Homemade beef jerky

Today it is not difficult to buy a variety of meat products for cutting in the store, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find at least something more or less natural. So many people are successfully mastering the preparation of such delicacies at home. Beef jerky is easy to make, all the ingredients are completely natural. Makes amazing jerky. The composition of spices can be adjusted to your taste; only salt and sugar are required in the recipe. Try it, homemade beef jerky is soft, moderately salty, aromatic and very tasty.


  • beef tenderloin 700 g.
  • rock salt 2 tbsp.
  • coriander seeds 1 tbsp.
  • mixture of peppercorns 1 tsp.
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp.
  • bay leaf 2-3 pcs.

How to prepare beef jerky

Prepare everything you need. Remove the films from the meat and trim the piece if necessary. To ensure that the beef jerky is evenly salted, the thickness should be approximately the same throughout.

Make a spice mixture. To do this, add salt and sugar, peppercorns, and coriander seeds into a mortar. Break the bay leaf with your hands.

Work well with the pestle.

Pour the aromatic contents of the mortar into a flat-bottomed bowl.

Dredge meat on all sides. Cover the top with cling film; if you have a lid, use it. Leave at room temperature for 6 hours.

After half the time has passed, turn the piece over. Quite a lot of liquid will already have collected in the mold; under no circumstances should it be drained.

After the required 6 hours, the beef will noticeably thicken and become darker in color.

Now you need to drain the liquid and dry the meat on a paper towel.

Wrap the beef in a clean gauze cloth and wrap tightly with twine or thread.

Hang in a well-ventilated place where the temperature is no more than 25 degrees. Then everything depends on the thickness of the piece and the ambient temperature. Periodically you need to squeeze the meat with your fingers; as soon as you feel that the crust has thickened, you should unwrap the piece, cut off a little and try. If the beef is well-dried around the edges, it's ready. The cut should be a uniform brown color. This usually takes about 2-3 days.

To store, wrap in cloth and put in the refrigerator, but you should eat it no more than 4-5 days in advance. If homemade beef jerky sits out longer, it will become very salty and hard. Serve as part of cold cuts.

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Mikhail
    #1 Guest Mikhail Guests 2 March 2019 23:01
    Why are you breeding parasites?! You can’t live without nitrite salt! Or do you want to get a couple of worms in your body?