Pork stew at home - the easiest recipe

Every thrifty housewife must have stewed meat in her stock, and it is advisable that this stew be homemade and not store-bought, since store-bought stew of good quality is rarely seen these days. At home, we will prepare a product that suits our taste: moderately salty, moderately spicy, moderately peppery, from meat that we ourselves have chosen. We will prepare pork stew in a water bath. There are other cooking methods - in a saucepan, in a pressure cooker, in the oven. This one seems to me the most convenient.
Pork stew at home - the easiest recipe


What do you need:
  • pork,
  • salt - to taste,
  • for a half-liter jar - 1 laurel leaf,
  • 4 peas of allspice,
  • 5 peppercorns,
  • 0.5 tsp ground pepper (or to taste).

Cooking stew at home

1. Today I chose pork knuckle for stew. In addition to pork, we will need salt, bay leaf, onion (you can use onions) and pepper - ground, allspice and peppercorns. If desired, you can add other spices.
Homemade pork stew

2. Remove the skins from the meat and cut into pieces.
Homemade pork stew

3.Add chopped onion to the meat.
Homemade pork stew

4. Salt, add all types of pepper and bay leaf.
Homemade pork stew

5. Sterilize the cans for stew.
Homemade pork stew

6. Mix the meat and put it in jars, not reaching the top 2-3 centimeters.
Homemade pork stew

7. Fill the jars to the top with water and close the lids.
Homemade pork stew

8. Pour water into a pan of suitable volume, cover the bottom with a piece of cloth, and place the jars on the cloth. Place the pan with the jars on the fire, bring the water to a boil, and reduce the heat to low. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook the stew for four to five hours. During the process, the water will boil away and will need to be added, but this will need to be done carefully so that cold water does not get on the jars, otherwise the jars may crack. In the middle of the process, you can open the jars slightly and taste the stew for salt.
Homemade pork stew

9. When the meat in the jars is boiled, remove the jars and seal them tightly. Turn over for an hour. Homemade stew should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months.
Pork stew at home - the easiest recipe
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Comments (4)
  1. Guest Vlad
    #1 Guest Vlad Guests 14 April 2019 19:07
    Why sterilize a jar if raw meat is placed in it?
    1. Guest Alexander
      #2 Guest Alexander Guests 17 April 2019 16:10
      The same question arose, the main thing is that it is clean!
  2. Sergey Pavlovich
    #3 Sergey Pavlovich Guests 12 August 2019 21:54
    I wonder, with this technology, how long does it take for the can to swell? In the late 80s and early 90s, the stew was prepared using a slightly different technology.
  3. Vika
    #4 Vika Guests 29 November 2022 17:24
    They sterilize it so that if there is a crack on the jar, it can be detected in advance, and not so that it bursts during the cooking process.