Lightly salted mackerel at home

Agree that buying lightly salted mackerel can sometimes be quite difficult. Salted fish is most often sold in stores and markets; you still need to look for lightly salted fish. To avoid problems with the search, it is best to salt the fish at home, especially since it will cost several times less than buying it ready-made with questionable quality. Mackerel prepared according to this recipe is lightly salted, lightly pickled, aromatic and very tasty. The fish is salted quite quickly: the next day after salting, the mackerel is already ready.
Lightly salted mackerel at home


To prepare lightly salted mackerel at home you will need:
  • - fresh frozen mackerel - 1 piece;
  • - water - 0.5 l;
  • - salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • - sugar - 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide);
  • - 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • - 6 peas of allspice;
  • - 1 bay leaf.

Salting mackerel:

1. Freshly frozen mackerel must be thawed so that there is no ice left on it, then carefully cut into the belly of the fish and take out all the insides.
Lightly salted mackerel at home

2. After the insides are removed, carefully cut off the head and tail. We take the fish carcass and rinse it thoroughly on all sides under running water (it is important that the inside of the mackerel is completely clean, without a black film or red streaks).
Lightly salted mackerel at home

3.Carefully cut the washed mackerel into pieces (determine the thickness of the pieces yourself, but it is better to immediately cut the fish into portioned pieces so that it can then be served immediately).
Lightly salted mackerel at home

4. Place the pieces of fish in dense layers in a half-liter jar and set aside (if you have large mackerel, you need to take a larger jar).
Lightly salted mackerel at home

5. Mackerel is pickled, so to salt it you need to prepare a marinade: pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, set aside until it becomes warm, then put bay leaves and allspice peas in it, add salt and sugar, mix everything well and boil. When the marinade boils, set it aside and wait until it cools to room temperature.
Lightly salted mackerel at home

6. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to the cooled marinade (if you like your fish to be well marinated, you can add 2 tablespoons of vinegar) and stir.
Lightly salted mackerel at home

7. Pour the cooled marinade (along with seasonings) over the mackerel pieces.
Lightly salted mackerel at home

8. Close the jar of fish tightly with a lid and leave at room temperature for a day.
Lightly salted mackerel at home

9. After a day, the mackerel can be served. Remember that such marinated fish should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
Lightly salted mackerel at home

Bon appetit!
Lightly salted mackerel at home
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