How to pickle mackerel. Two options

Lightly salted, fresh mackerel is tasty and healthy. It is not difficult to prepare the product at home. If the question arises, “How to pickle mackerel?”, then you can use one of two methods. Both the first and second will not take much time and will allow you to enjoy the taste.
How to pickle mackerel. Two options

Required Ingredients

To salt mackerel you will need:
  • fish. Mackerel is not completely defrosted before cooking;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • Bay leaf;
  • allspice.

For option No. 1 - sunflower oil and container.
For option No. 2 - water and container.
Jars (glass and polymer materials), buckets, and pans can be used as containers. Whatever container is used, it must be airtight.

Cooking technology

Option #1

Let's prepare the brine. Dissolve 70 g of salt in 1 liter of water. Next, pour the brine into the prepared container, add spices and place the fish. The salt solution should completely cover the carcass. The fish can be either whole or gutted (without the head and entrails).
Salting time is 6-7 days. We keep the container at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. Next, transfer the container to the refrigerator.In brine, at a temperature of 4-5 degrees Celsius, mackerel can be stored for no more than 4 days. If long-term storage is necessary, the product is placed in the freezer.

Option No. 2

This option is preferable from the point of view that the product will be ready for consumption quickly. In addition, the fish is cut into portions and can be served either in a container or on a plate.
The step-by-step recipe is as follows:
1. Decapitate the carcass.
How to pickle mackerel. Two options

2. We make two incisions, retreating 0.5 cm from the linea alba of the abdomen, from the top to the anus.
3. Remove the skin as in the photo.
How to pickle mackerel. Two options

4. Let's layer. To do this, we make two sections, removing the vertebral bone.
How to pickle mackerel. Two options

5. Wash the half carcasses under running water.
6. Cut pieces of the same size.
7. Pour salt and sugar into the bottom of the container;
8. Place the fish tightly;
How to pickle mackerel. Two options

9. Sprinkle with salt and sugar;
10. If desired, add bay leaf and allspice;
11. Pour sunflower oil so that the fish is covered.
Place the container in the refrigerator. Mackerel is ready for consumption after 12 hours. Submission can be done in any convenient way. Lightly salted mackerel goes well with green onions and arugula.
How to pickle mackerel. Two options
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