Mackerel pieces on the grill

Pieces of mackerel baked on the grill are very similar to hot smoked fish. The “barbecue smoke” permeates the entire fish flesh, and the mackerel acquires an incredible aroma. The longer the fish sits on the grill, the drier it becomes. You need to catch the moment when the mackerel has already browned, but has not yet lost its juiciness. The fish should not be turned over frequently during baking; such manipulations may cause it to fall apart. The coup should be the only one, then the mackerel will remain beautiful.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

Required Products

  • mackerel - 1 pc.,
  • seasonings for fish - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • lemon - 1/3 pcs.,
  • salt - 1 pinch,
  • fresh dill.

Mackerel pieces on the grill

Recipe for cooking mackerel on the grill

1. Of course, you don’t light a fire in a barbecue for one mackerel. You can first cook meat kebabs on skewers, and then quickly bake pieces of mackerel on the grill. Then everyone will be able to please, and both meat lovers and fish connoisseurs will be satisfied. If you are planning an exclusively fish menu, then you can place 5-6 chopped fish on the grill at the same time.
2. The mackerel is thawed, the head and tail are cut off. The abdomen is cut open and cleaned. The carcass is washed and cut into large pieces.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

3.Pieces of mackerel are placed in a pan and sprinkled with lemon juice.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

4. Pour soy sauce over the fish.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

5. Sprinkle the mackerel with salt.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

Mackerel pieces on the grill

6. Standard seasoning for fish consists of dried onions, garlic, red pepper, and basil. Finely ground seasoning is not used for marinating before grilling. You should choose dried spices that consist of large pieces. Pieces of mackerel are generously sprinkled with spices.
7. Add olive oil. Turn the mackerel pieces over to coat them in the marinade. The fish is marinated for an hour, the pieces are turned over from time to time. If the room is cool, you can leave the pan with fish on the table.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

8. Pieces of mackerel are placed on the grill grate, baked for 8-10 minutes, turn the fish over to the other side, baked for another 8-10 minutes.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

9. To give mackerel the aroma characteristic of smoked fish, thin “fresh” cherry twigs are thrown onto hot charcoal.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

10. During baking, pour the remaining marinade over the mackerel. The fish quickly reacts to the heat of the grill; as soon as you gape, the skin instantly becomes charred. “Marinade dousing” allows you to avoid such troubles.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

11. Remove the mackerel from the grill when the pieces turn golden.
12. Mackerel does not need complex sauces; after marinating, it acquired the necessary spiciness. But you will need fresh dill; chopped fresh herbs perfectly emphasize the taste of fish baked on the grill.
Mackerel pieces on the grill

13. In spring, pieces of mackerel can be served with radishes and wild garlic leaves, in summer - with the usual cucumber and tomato accompaniment.
Mackerel pieces on the grill
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