How to fry pollock correctly

How to fry pollock correctly

A wonderful fish is pollock. Having an amazing neutral taste, the product goes well with many ingredients and dishes. The most important thing is that this fish has almost no bones, so you can eat it with great pleasure.

The most popular method of preparing pollock is frying. This simple skillet dish makes a great addition to any side dish. The main thing is to fry the fish correctly. The ruddy pieces of pollock are so appetizing that just the sight of the fried fish will make your mouth water. What can we talk about taste?! He's amazing. After trying a piece of fish, you can swallow your tongue!

Grocery list

  • - 700 grams of pollock.
  • - 100 grams of flour.
  • - egg.
  • - 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • - salt to taste.
  • - a pinch of ground pepper.
How to fry pollock correctly

Sequence of cooking pollock in a frying pan

1. It is necessary to select good pollock carcasses. The fish must be of high quality. It is important to pay attention to the color of the fish in advance. It is necessary to exclude carcasses with a yellow coating and an unpleasant odor. When using frozen fish, you should resort to the natural defrosting process. Rinse the fish and clean it, cut off the fins. Cut pollock into portions.

How to fry pollock correctly

2. Pour salt into a bowl with pieces of pollock.We must not forget that fish tends to salt out quickly, so you don’t need a lot of salt, a pinch will be enough.

How to fry pollock correctly

3. Pepper the fish. Mix everything well.

How to fry pollock correctly
How to fry pollock correctly

4. Break an egg into an empty bowl. Pour milk in there too. Mix everything well with a whisk or fork.

How to fry pollock correctly
How to fry pollock correctly

5. Pour flour onto an empty plate.

How to fry pollock correctly

6. Warm up the frying pan. Pour oil into the bottom of the container. There is no need to skimp on the oil; it should cover approximately 1-2 millimeters of the bottom layer of the fish. If there is not enough oil, the fish may burn or even stick to the pan. Dip the fish pieces into the egg mixture. Then, generously roll them in flour.

How to fry pollock correctly
How to fry pollock correctly

7. Fry the fish, covered, over medium heat. Cook pollock for about 10 minutes. This fish will quickly fry and become juicy. Cook exclusively in heated oil.

How to fry pollock correctly
How to fry pollock correctly

8. Serve the rosy, juicy pieces of pollock.

How to fry pollock correctly

Bon appetit!

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Comments (13)
  1. Konstantin
    #1 Konstantin Guests June 12, 2018 00:53
    In general, any fish is rolled in flour with salt and ground black pepper, lightly fried in a mixture of vegetable and butter in a frying pan and then placed in the oven for about five minutes. When the fish is covered with bubbles, it means it is ready.You can measure the temperature inside the fish carcass with a thermometer = 64 degrees Celsius. That's it, the fish is ready to serve.
  2. Guest Sergey
    #2 Guest Sergey Guests 12 June 2018 23:50
    Unfortunately, due to the prices, the fish department today resembles a local history museum.
    1. Also a guest Sergey
      #3 Also a guest Sergey Guests 13 June 2018 19:13
      1. Tek
        #4 Tek Guests 16 June 2018 12:15
        yes in any place except Vanino and Kholmsk (((
  3. Natalia
    #5 Natalia Guests 13 June 2018 13:18
    We have frozen fish, which is on sale, but after freezing it all turns into porridge. Although the sellers swear that it is the freshest.
  4. Tatiana
    #6 Tatiana Guests 13 June 2018 20:53
    I don’t understand, you don’t need to turn the fish over, or what? Or 10 min. under the cover and that's it? Shouldn't the pollock be cooked under the lid?
    1. Vyacheslav
      #7 Vyacheslav Guests June 16, 2018 08:21
      The pollock is stewed under the lid - boiled and fried at the same time. You need to turn it over so that the crust is on both sides. If you, Tatyana, are wondering whether you need to chew the fish or swallow it whole, then yes, you need to chew it.
      1. perch
        #8 perch Guests 16 June 2018 16:10
        do not cover with a lid
        if you cover it, it turns out to be steamed chicken, not pollock
  5. Gus
    #9 Gus Guests 18 June 2018 14:11
    pollock in an omelet.... enjoy it yourself
  6. Yuri Ukraine
    #10 Yuri Ukraine Guests July 1, 2018 09:01
    In Soviet times, pollock was the lot of drunks and poor students. Believe me, I am one of those! What have we come to, if recipes from pollock are discussed! Welfare is growing!
    1. Olga
      #11 Olga Guests 30 October 2018 14:20
      The most valuable and delicious fish is pollock, especially with onions and mayonnaise and there is no need to turn it over, just stew it. If you sprinkle grated carrots, it tastes like crab.
  7. Guest Alexander
    #12 Guest Alexander Guests 30 October 2018 15:14
    I fry the carcass with onions, just cover with a lid at the end, otherwise it will boil quickly, you can sometimes add tomato paste.
    If the pollock is fresh and properly fried, it is simply delicious, tender, crumbly, juicy. You can't get enough of sis and gravy! )
  8. Maria
    #13 Maria Guests September 22, 2019 01:32
    Why so much negativity? 😑
    Cute, simple recipe, the pollock turned out very tasty) thank you!
    And yes, it’s necessary to turn it over, it’s kind of clear 👍