Marinated mackerel

Taking care of maintaining the graceful proportions of your figure, you need to introduce mackerel dishes into the menu. Beneficial substances are preserved in fish pulp that has escaped heat treatment. If fresh mackerel can simply be sprinkled with salt and spices, then defrosted fish will need a concentrated vinegar-oil marinade with cloves and sweet peas. The pieces of mackerel removed from the marinade retain their beautiful shape, the fish flesh does not soften or disintegrate. The presence of vegetable oil in the marinade gives mackerel a special tenderness.
Marinated mackerel


  • frozen mackerel – 1 pc.,
  • onion (optional) – 1 pc.,
  • water – 200 ml,
  • vinegar 95 – “5 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar – 1 tsp,
  • bay leaves – 4 pcs.,
  • sweet peas – ½ tsp,
  • clove buds - ½ tsp,
  • fresh dill.

Marinated mackerel

Sequence of preparation of marinated mackerel:

1. For marinating, always choose large carcasses: well-fed and smooth, without damage to the skin. The taste of the marinade depends on the combination of seasonings; this recipe uses the simplest and most accessible ingredients.
2. The head and tail are cut off. Rip open the abdomen and remove all the insides. The walls of the mackerel's abdomen are covered with a black film; it must be removed.The fish is washed under running water.
Marinated mackerel

3. Cut the carcass with centimeter crowbars. Fine cutting will increase the speed of marinating; for large three-centimeter pieces it will take twice as long until each slice is soaked in the marinade.
Marinated mackerel

4. Salt and sugar are measured accurately, spoons are filled without a slide.
Marinated mackerel

5. Pour water into a saucepan, add bay leaves, clove buds and peppercorns.
Marinated mackerel

6. Boil the marinade over high heat for 2 minutes. Turn off the fire. Use spoons to measure out the required amount of vinegar and vegetable oil and add to the hot marinade.
Marinated mackerel

7. While the marinade is cooling, put the mackerel pieces into a half-liter jar. This is the most convenient container for marinating one fish.
Marinated mackerel

8. The marinade is poured into the jar when the liquid is barely warm. Mackerel can be marinated with onions. In this case, the fish pieces are layered with onion rings. The onion will be sharper and more spicy than the fish itself.
Marinated mackerel

9. Cover the jar of fish with film and place it in the refrigerator. You will be able to eat mackerel in a day. Readiness is determined by assessing the color of the pieces: under the influence of vinegar, the pink shades of the pulp should acquire a light color. If you want to get a truly spicy taste, you need to let the mackerel marinate for two days. Then the fish fillet will smell of both cloves and allspice.
10. Serve pickled mackerel with fresh dill. Pieces of fish can be stored in an oil marinade for 5-6 days; the jar of mackerel should be kept in the refrigerator.
Marinated mackerel

11. Fatty pickled mackerel can be taken as an independent dish, served with bread without other additions. But then for each serving there should be 2-3 pieces.
12.If pickled mackerel is an appetizer, then along with it you can serve baked potatoes, vegetable stew, wheat porridge with fried mushrooms.
Marinated mackerel
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Comments (1)
  1. Peter
    #1 Peter Guests 8 October 2020 13:49
    Aaah, how delicious it must be! I'll run to the market for mackerel!