Lightly salted mackerel in a bottle

Fresh frozen fatty mackerel in this recipe is salted in an innovative way, namely in a plastic bottle. Moreover, the brine is prepared using onion skins and tea leaves, which gives the fish a golden color, very similar to the color of smoking. The delicacy of this dish is simply off the charts.

Mackerel salted in a narrow bottle does not require much brine. And the container itself can simply be thrown away after use, which saves the housewife time and labor.

A one and a half liter plastic bottle will fit 2 mackerels.


So, the ingredients:
  • a) mackerel - 2 carcasses,
  • b) water - 1 l,
  • c) dry onion peel - 2-3 handfuls,
  • d) black tea - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • e) sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • e) salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Sequence of salting fish:

1. Cut off the head and tail from the carcass.

2. Gut the belly and wash (the caviar can be left).

3. Place 2 mackerel in a trimmed bottle.

4. Combine all the ingredients for the brine in one saucepan and boil. Leave covered until cool.

5. Strain the cold brine, freeing it from the husks and tea leaves, and then pour it into a bottle with fish.Use a kebab skewer or other device to adjust the carcasses so that the liquid spreads throughout the entire space. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator, covering it with film. For better stability, it is better to place the bottle in a bowl or saucepan so as not to accidentally push it during pickling.

6. After 3 days, remove the mackerel. The fish was moderately salted and acquired a beautiful color.

Lightly salted mackerel with a golden skin, like after smoking, cut into pieces, sprinkle with oil, season with onions (you can take fresh green ones). With rye bread, baked or boiled potatoes - this is an amazing yummy!

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Comments (8)
  1. Like
    #1 Like Guests 23 February 2019 16:36
    Salt it, and then boil it in a PLASTIC (!) bottle... Thank you, eat it yourself...
  2. Edorv
    #2 Edorv Guests 24 February 2019 16:51
    Read the text carefully, or is the Chukchi not a reader?
  3. ali.bar60.
    #3 ali.bar60. Guests February 25, 2019 02:19
    ...average! For flavor, add cloves, laurel, fragrant perchidon...! Although mackerel can be chewed right away, without the fuss of pickling and pickling! They washed it, cut it up, sprinkled it with soy sauce, liquid smoke, peppered it..... and Voila...!!!
    Happy Grandfather Vasily...2019...February 25...from R.H..
  4. Kruzin Shtein
    #4 Kruzin Shtein Guests February 27, 2019 11:51
    you forgot that plastic releases poison in any container .. even if it is food containers .. it doesn’t matter .. plastic has enzymes like oil, toluene, PVC dishes are much more dangerous than we think. In Russia, preference is given to dishes made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), since they look quite decent at a cheap price.

    • In addition to PVC, in the manufacture of, for example, glasses, polystyrene is used, designated as PS or ABS plastic. As soon as you pour a hot or strong drink, the innocent glass immediately begins to release a toxic compound under the modest name - styrene. (Note. Inhalation of STYRENE vapors threatens numerous acute and chronic diseases. This substance negatively affects the function of the liver and kidneys, the circulatory and nervous systems. Long-term exposure of styrene to the human body threatens with CATARHS of the respiratory tract, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, CHANGES in the composition of the blood, DISORDERS of the functions of the autonomic system.)

    When consumed regularly from such a “poisoning glass,” the toxic substance accumulates in the liver and kidneys. Before you have time to look back and... “Hello, cirrhosis!”

    Chinese-made cookware can be hazardous to health
    Chinese-made cookware can be hazardous to health
    • A polypropylene glass (marked PP) can withstand temperatures up to +100 C. But if you drink vodka from it, not only your kidneys and liver suffer, but also your eyes.And “as a snack,” the glass releases FORMALDEHYDE AND PHENOLS. (Note: FORMALDEHYDE has pronounced MUTAGENIC properties, and also acts as a serious ALLERGEN and IRRITANT. Contact of the human body with an environment containing this substance can lead to CANCER of the respiratory tract and many other serious diseases, including leukemia. PHENOL causes DISORDERS in the functions of the nervous system systems. Dust, vapors and phenol solution IRRITATE the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. Once in the body, Phenol is very quickly absorbed even through intact areas of the skin and within a few minutes begins to AFFECT brain tissue. Even with exposure to minimal doses of phenol, observed sneezing, coughing, headache, dizziness, pallor, nausea, loss of strength. Phenol is often the cause of CANCER DISEASES.)

    • But the undisputed leader is POLYVINYL CHLORIDE, since it is extremely CHEAP to produce. True, over time, or to be more precise, almost immediately, PVC begins to decompose with the release of TOXIC vinyl chloride. (Note: VINYL CHLORIDE has a complex toxic effect on the human body, causing damage to the central nervous system, skeletal system, systemic damage to connective tissue, brain, heart. Affects the liver, causing angiosarcoma. VINYL CHLORIDE causes immune changes and TUMORS, has a carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effect. causing CANCER in various tissues and organs, including the liver (tumors other than angiosarcoma), brain, lungs, lymphatic and hematopoietic systems (organs and tissues involved in blood formation)

    For example, a PVC bottle begins to release this dangerous substance A WEEK after the contents are poured or poured into it. After a month, several milligrams of VINYLCHROD accumulate. From the point of view of oncologists, a few milligrams of carcinogenic vinyl chloride is a lot.
    1. Sector
      #5 Sector Guests 28 February 2019 14:29
      You're ahead of me. But I wanted to write something a little different. Plastic dishes are completely different, but you have collected everything in a heap. Under no circumstances should bottles from lemonade, Pepsi, Cola, or mineral water be used even as containers for alcohol. He instantly takes on the smell of this plastic.
      But for example, bottles of sunflower or any other vegetable oil can be used. They are made from a completely different plastic.
    2. Guest Sergey
      #6 Guest Sergey Guests 8 September 2019 13:06
      Well, where are all these substances in the PET plastic from which the bottle is made?
  5. Guest Andrey
    #7 Guest Andrey Guests 21 March 2019 19:29
    Your mother, do the same in a glass container.
  6. Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov
    #8 Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov Guests 5 February 2022 20:47
    The fish must be salted for at least seven days, this is important. The fact is that during salting, protein modification processes take place in the fish, the finished fish loses the unpleasant smell of the “SEA” AND BECOME NOT RAW FISH.