How to deliciously marinate meat for barbecue in 10 minutes

Summer is in full swing. We all often go to sunbathe, swim, and just relax in nature during our free time from work. And, as a rule, we always take with us a grill, skewers and marinated meat. What kind of holiday outside the city or at the dacha with company and without barbecue? But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to properly prepare and marinate the meat so that the most delicious kebab will turn out.

I would like to share with you a recipe for marinated meat, which I have been using for 20 years. Believe me, this kebab has never left anyone indifferent. Therefore, when gathering in company, all my friends and family have trusted me to prepare meat for many years.


For a delicious kebab (1.5 kg) you will need:
  • Meat. It is preferable to take pork neck, because... it has layers of fat. The fattier the meat, the juicier the kebab will be.
  • 2-3 onions.
  • Salt, seasonings (I take a mixture of peppers or ground black pepper, khmeli-suneli, seasoning for barbecue, sometimes I add seasoning for meat).
  • Important! You definitely need to look at the composition of the seasonings, because... They often come with MSG. I am for naturalness)
  • Half a lemon.
  • Sparkling water.I most often take bonaqua or aquamineral, because... They have good carbonation, and a lot depends on this.

Do not forget to prepare a bowl in which a clean and intact bag will be placed (as in the photo).

The ingredients are ready, so you can get started.


I wash the lemon and cut off half. I peel the onions and cut them into rings. I cut the meat into large enough pieces so that each piece contains fat.

Cooking shish kebab

At the bottom of the bag (which is placed in a bowl) I lay out a thick layer of meat.

Next, add salt (to taste - if you like it saltier, add more salt, but you can do without it at all, since seasonings also contain it), sprinkle with spices.

After that I squeeze lemon juice on top. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will be sour later. Half or even a little less should be enough for 1.5-2 kg of kebab.

After I’ve done everything, I lay out the onion rings.

And so I repeat each layer. Meat – salt, spices – lemon – onion. Exactly in that order.

When all the meat has been placed, I lift the edges of the bag, add about half a half liter bottle of sparkling water to this amount of shish kebab (it is important that it has just been opened), expel the air from the bag with my hands and wrap it.

That's it, the meat is ready.

Shish kebab marinated in this way can be grilled on the grill either after 2 hours or after 24 hours. Of course, the longer the meat is marinated, the more tender it will be, but even after a couple of hours everyone will happily attack it.

By the way, if you suddenly planned a trip to barbecue, your meat is ready and for some reason everything went wrong, then you can absolutely safely put it in the freezer and defrost it before your next trip.

Fresh vegetables, zucchini and peppers on the grill, baked eggplants and herbs are ideal for this kebab.

Bon appetit!

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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (13)
  1. andrew
    #1 andrew Guests 6 August 2018 17:30
    are sure that the package is for fruits
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests 8 August 2018 22:03
    Never string an onion! It burns and imparts a burnt taste to the meat.
    1. TO
      #3 TO Guests 9 August 2018 17:42
      In order not to spoil the onion, it is necessary not to divide it into rings, but cut it into circles 8-9 mm thick and plant it in a whole circle, then only the top layer will burn, and the rest of the onion will be deliciously baked
      1. Peter
        #4 Peter Guests 15 August 2018 17:15
        Never fry meat with onions on a skewer, the onions burn and spoil the taste...
        1. Guest Igor
          #5 Guest Igor Guests 16 August 2018 21:25
          We already wrote a little higher that you need to cut the onion not into thin rings, but into thick ones, almost 10 millimeters each. I always do this and it’s amazing.
  3. K and MEFODIUS
    #6 K and MEFODIUS Guests August 9, 2018 12:01
    Loser and enemy of man. Any PVC and PET bag when in contact with acidic products (lemon, onion, etc.) RELEASES POISON!
  4. To
    #7 To Guests 9 August 2018 17:43
    In order not to spoil the onion, it is necessary not to divide it into rings, but cut it into circles 8-9 mm thick and plant it in a whole circle, then only the top layer will burn, and the rest of the onion will be deliciously baked
  5. User
    #8 User Guests 11 August 2018 18:33
    The article is useless, I thought you found a way to marinate in 10 minutes, judging by the title, and eat as usual only after a couple of hours...
    1. Guest Victor
      #9 Guest Victor Guests August 14, 2018 01:41
      It doesn’t take 10 minutes, but if you grind the onion in a meat grinder and use mineral water, or better yet tan (airan), then in an hour or two the neck will marinate perfectly.
      There is kiwi, which turns any meat into a pate in an hour and a half, but it’s not a marinade, but a pate, it’s not for everyone
      1. Guest Igor
        #10 Guest Igor Guests 16 August 2018 21:29
        Do not confuse mineral water with SODA. Mineral water (real) has a “rotten egg” smell.
        And what they sell in one and a half rubles is regular tap, salted water with strong carbonation. This freshwater has nothing to do with mineral water.
  6. Guest Yuri
    #11 Guest Yuri Guests 17 August 2018 16:17
    He is afraid of glutamate... but he is not afraid of meat from a garbage bag.
  7. Dan - king of the barbecue
    #12 Dan - king of the barbecue Guests August 19, 2018 11:01
    good method, but I think the package is clearly superfluous...
    As for onions, on the contrary, I love it when it is fried on skewers and transfers its flavor to the meat, just like tomato slices.
    To prevent it from burning, you need to turn it over more often - ideally, you shouldn’t leave the grill at all.
  8. Anton
    #13 Anton Guests 23 August 2018 14:51
    Dear author, please align with the wall..
    1) “marinate the meat in 10 minutes” is “make the meat marinated in 10 minutes”, but here from 2 hours
    2) you can’t put it in a bag after lemon. Only in an enamel pan, cast iron/ceramic/glass dishes.
    3) after refreezing the meat for shashlik, the result will not be meat for shish kebab, but garbage.

    p.s. For an express marinade, kiwi with chopped onions is good, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will actually become a pate.