Skate lighting

Winter is in full swing outside - it's time to take up winter sports. And one of the most popular entertainments among both children and adults is ice skating. Have you ever had such a desire to become more noticeable on the ice?

Amulet doll “Share”

The “share” is made and given to both married and unmarried girls and women. It has long been believed that this amulet doll helps the female sex to arrange or improve their destiny. An integral advantage of this amulet is that a share can be

Violets on the windowsill

Flowers are a great gift. But it’s not always possible, and indeed the desire, to buy real flowers, because they dry out so quickly, but a gift made with your own hands will warm your heart for a long time. Today we will do something big together

Money Tree

The idea to make a money tree came to me by accident. For a long time I couldn’t decide what gift to give my husband for his birthday. Maybe it’s trivial, but a handmade gift was preferable, and besides, the money tree promises unheard of

Let's update the lamp with a new lampshade

Often in our apartments we collect things that seem to be in perfect working order, but, nevertheless, we do not use them. Sometimes they don’t fit with a new renovation, family members don’t like them, or they’re simply out of fashion. But they are dear to us, and it’s a pity

Magnet amulet in the form of a folk Slavic feeding doll

My friend collects refrigerator magnets. So I decided to give her a magnet-amulet in the form of a folk Slavic feeding doll. It was possible to make another type of Slavic doll, but I really liked the connection between the words “feed” and

Volumetric miracle paper snowflakes

The year of the Black Water Dragon will come very soon. Both adults and children expect miracles. Let's create a festive mood ourselves! We begin to prepare for the most magical and most long-awaited holiday. I hasten to share with you the idea of ​​making

Christmas tree decor

In this master class we will decorate the ball using decoupage and craquelure techniques (aging effect). So, we will need a very ordinary ball, maybe an old one that was lying around in your Christmas tree decorations.


Sometimes you want to please a loved one, but coming up with something original is not always easy. So I was faced with such a problem. And after much thought, I decided to make the applique in a beautiful frame. When I started making the frame, I changed my mind

LED flowers

You can make LED flowers from quite affordable materials. We will need: 1) Plastic (mostly green) two-liter lemonade bottles 2) Copper varnished wire with a diameter of about 0.7 mm (can be replaced with twisted wires

Decorative tree

The greatest joy comes from the things you create with your own hands. I suggest making a decorative tree - you can decorate the interior of your home with it, or give it as a gift for a birthday or wedding.

Compositions from cereals

In order to make a unique composition of cereals with your own hands, you need very few materials that can always be found in the house. For work we need cereals of different colors. If you want to create your own story, first

DIY mini fountain

The idea of ​​making a small fountain came to me quite a long time ago. Moreover, it is small, since there is not much space on the table, plus it is autonomous. Once I even made a fountain. But the pump was purchased (for an aquarium) weighed about 400 grams and

Homemade vibration function for a computer mouse

Nowadays, many companies produce mice with a recoil function. That is, when you shoot any weapon in the game, the mouse begins to vibrate, simulating recoil. But such mice are expensive, and not everyone can afford such an expensive purchase. Can

Vase from a bottle

Good afternoon, lovers of handmade things! Surely you have an empty, unnecessary bottle of champagne at home? I'm sure yes, so let's make a beautiful vase out of this unnecessary thing.

Heart from Quilling

Sometimes we spend so much time choosing a gift for our other half that we forget that the most valuable gift is a gift with our own hands.In order to make a heart out of paper we need red paper, one sheet of stationery is enough

Homemade products from box scraps

Having finished installing the next local area network, as always in such cases, a pile of scraps of plastic boxes formed. You can, of course, collect them and use them somehow next time. But... Firstly, when will it be - this next one

Portrait made of buttons

There is a mood when, standing in front of a store window, you understand: figurines and glasses do not bring the joy that you want to bring with a memorable gift. One day, Eureka gave me the confidence to make an unusual portrait with my own hands.

How to make a chair from scrap floorboards

For a long time I tried to make something with my own hands. But as always, there was not enough time, sometimes patience, or simply no strength. And one day at work I decided: “I’m bleeding from my nose, but I come home and start doing it.” The first thing that came to mind was

Funny glowing pictures

Glowing pictures - I don’t know what you will use these pictures for, if you repeat my homemade product, I personally hung them in the center of the room as a kind of night light. You can also hang it above your child's crib. I think he will like it. This

Homemade chewing gum for hands – HandGum

Our homemade handgam has almost all the same properties as the one for sale (it flows, breaks, stretches, jumps)

Arc discharge

So, an arc discharge is one of the most beautiful manifestations of electric current in gases.The electric arc is not only beautiful, but also useful, it is used for welding metals, also a huge temperature arises around the arc and the air becomes very

Backlight for CD-ROM

I want to share with you how I made the CD-ROMA backlight. What we need: second glue, soldering accessories, wires, LEDs. . .

Case for flash drive made from marker

Everything unusual is always interesting and cool. In this article I will show you how to make a funny case for a flash drive from a marker. . .