Portrait made of buttons

There is a mood when, standing in front of a store window, you understand: figurines and glasses do not bring the joy that you want to bring with a memorable gift. One day, Eureka gave me the confidence to make an unusual portrait of the hero of the day with my own hands. I was inspired by the work of Lisa Kokin, who makes amazing button paintings. Hundreds of this goodness accumulates in every family.

Where to begin? First of all, prepare a sheet of cardboard and a piece of white cloth. You will also need glue and tweezers. Now open a photo on your computer of the person whose portrait you are going to take. Attach the cloth to the monitor and trace the translucent outlines with a pencil. It’s very simple - here’s the pattern. All that remains is to fill it out like a mosaic. Place the cardboard down so that the material is impregnated with glue from staining the table.

Have fun separating the buttons by color, choosing ones that are especially vibrant for your hair, eyes, and lips. Yellow buttons are suitable for filling the face with anatomical reality. Unusual-shaped specimens will come in handy instead of surreal strokes, like curls in hair.

It is worth noting that dark-colored buttons, which should be more in one half of the portrait, help to depict the face as voluminous. This technique will create the feeling of the face being illuminated by a lamp.

I made the eyebrows from crushed pieces of a large button. Nondescript white buttons are good for highlighting the depth of the eyes. Rotate each one until you notice a joyful resemblance to the original. Keep in mind that the impression of the picture will change depending on the distance: the further away, the more harmonious the details will appear. Place the edges of the buttons on top of each other (like scales), change the relief of the picture, the play of colors, the fused boundaries of tones.

You will enjoy the application. The hair in the portrait will begin to curl, the lips will come to life, and the “charm of the eyes” will shine. Be sure to place the portrait in a frame (they are sold in photo stores) and your present to be loved by someone for many years. I wish you creative pleasure.

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