“Watermelon” line of beads: bracelet and earrings

The best way to prepare for summer is to stock up on jewelry. Finally, you can wear bright earrings, bracelets, necklaces and pendants. Even the beach does not exclude the presence of jewelry, because right now all our trinkets are clearly visible and fully attract the attention of others.
This “watermelon family” was created for such an occasion. Earrings and an unusual contrasting bracelet will not only complement your look or highlight the color of your beach outfit, but will also bring even more brightness, positivity and warmth to every summer day.
Watermelon bead line

Making the bracelet requires a little prep work. After all, first we need to make a machine on which we, in fact, have to weave this bracelet.
And you will need very few materials to make it:
• edge of a plastic bottle (its middle part);
• any board, preferably with equal sides and not very long (a shelf from an old cabinet, a seat from an unsuitable chair, etc. will do);
• nails;
• hammer;
• scissors.
Watermelon bead line

Plastic mode for narrow but rather long strips. Then we fold these blanks in half (lengthwise), thereby making them stronger.
Watermelon bead line

Watermelon bead line

Next, we attach the plastic parts to two opposite sides of the board, nailing each one.
Watermelon bead line

Watermelon bead line

Now we make cuts with nail scissors, that is, we cut through the plastic every 3-4 mm.
Watermelon bead line

The next step is preparing materials for weaving a bracelet. Namely:
• small beads of the required colors (green, white, black, red);
• thin needle with a small eye;
• strong silk thread for sewing (No. 30);
• scheme.
Watermelon bead line

It is better to print it out so that it is convenient to mark each completed row (cross it out, for example).
Watermelon bead line

Now we stretch the threads, threading them into the loops opposite each other. For this pattern, you need to stretch 7 threads so that each of the 6 beads is fixed on both sides.
Watermelon bead line

Then you need to tie the working thread to the first tension. We retreat 8-10 cm from the plastic edge and secure the thread.
Watermelon bead line

Don't worry if the threads are stretched disproportionately or that some rows are of a different width. They will all align after securing the beads of the first row (take their size).
Watermelon bead line

You need to string the beads according to the top-down pattern.
Watermelon bead line

Pass the needle under tension and insert the beads into the narrow space between each two “strings”.
Watermelon bead line

But fix it by repeatedly passing the thread through a tightly placed row. Only the tension must be under this thread, otherwise we will simply pull it back and the beads will fall off.
Watermelon bead line

Watermelon bead line

We replace the working thread in the same way as at the very beginning (we tie it to the string), only we hide the knots and short ends between the rows.
Watermelon bead line

At the end, we cut off the stretch, tie knots at the ends of the bracelet and fasten the clasp.
Watermelon bead line

Watermelon bead line

For earrings, we do not use fishing line or thread, but use copper wire. It will help the slices keep the desired shape.
Watermelon bead line

The pattern is extremely simple and clear, only 7 rows and the slice is ready!
Watermelon bead line

We string 14 green beads onto a piece of 10-15 cm wire and place them in the middle.
Watermelon bead line

We string the next rows first on one side of the wire, after which we thread the other end in the opposite direction.
Watermelon bead line

Then we tighten the copper ends and get a tightly seated row.
Watermelon bead line

Finally, we twist both parts of the wire, cut it and bend this tail to the wrong side. We attach a clasp between the beads.
Watermelon bead line

Watermelon bead line

Now we just enjoy the brightness and originality of our new jewelry and wear it with pleasure!
Watermelon bead line
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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