How to sew a Waldorf butterfly doll

Waldorf dolls are traditional textile folk dolls, they got their name thanks to parents who use them in raising their children according to Waldorf pedagogy. The dolls themselves are made only from natural materials,

Homemade kebabs

Only vegetarians don’t like kebabs. And then, they came up with vegetable kebabs a long time ago. What to do if you want barbecue, but time doesn’t allow you to have a picnic? Wait? No! You can cook homemade kebabs. How? Very simple! Just everything

How to grow an avocado from a seed

I have been very inquisitive since childhood. The result is not as important to me as the process. Well, how can I, for example, bring my sister’s dying flower back to life? Happened! Great - grab it! How can you grow a watermelon? Please get it! But as

Valentine card with beads

On Valentine's Day, people in love present each other with teddy bears or other soft toys, candy, bouquets of flowers and jewelry. Time passes, but the values ​​remain the same, a gift with your own hands takes the lead

Stereo FM transmitter from MP3 player

I don't have a car, but I decided to use this little thing in my own way. Like a stereo transmitter. Why do I need this? And in order to broadcast sound from a laptop to a music center. The thing is that I like to watch movies on the big screen, on

Ways to improve the performance of an apartment battery

It often happens that during the cold season, the heating power of a conventional apartment battery is not enough to maintain a consistently high temperature in the house, and residents have to either change the system for normal and comfortable life.

Pond near a private house

Nowadays, you can use a ready-made special container for a pond on your site, but there is always another alternative. For the pond at my house, I used an old acrylic corner bathtub with a volume of about 300 liters, having first sealed the cracks and


Those who do sewing always have a lot of scraps left over that are a pity to throw away. I always want to use them somehow. There is only enough imagination for patchwork blankets, pillows, toys, various potholders and “seats” for stools. But patchwork and

Funny kitten fridge magnet

Often you want to please your family and friends with some cute little thing. Or just do something that is functional and simply pleasing to the eye. A funny kitten magnet for the refrigerator can be such a cute and completely uncomplicated souvenir.

Rag doll Motanka

The motanka, made by loving motherly hands, will certainly please your daughter.Making a rag doll is so simple that even a four to five year old child can do it.

Felt toys

Felt is a wonderful material! Anyone who wants to make toys with their own hands can see this! Firstly, felt is very easy to make patterns from. Secondly, it holds its shape perfectly. Thirdly, the felt does not fall off - this means that

Making biscorn

What is biscorn? This is a small pillow that, depending on its size, can be used as a pincushion, as a keychain for keys or a mobile phone, as a Christmas tree decoration, or simply as an unusual little thing in the interior. Looks like biscorn

Mobile phone case “Hare in Love”

In this age of high technology, it is difficult to imagine your life without a mobile phone. We sometimes do not part with them for whole days. Purchasing a unique phone case is becoming an increasingly popular trend. But you can't

Spear for sport or small game hunting

Once I thought that I could throw darts, knives, and axes, but I had never tried to throw a spear. With this thought in mind, I got down to business. The first step was thinking about and finding the right materials. So, we need: any aluminum pipe from 1 to 2

Child protection on hinged wardrobe

The “lock” actually has 2 main functions: to prevent the child from opening the cabinet and to distract his attention for a short time. Making the “child protection” will take no more than an hour. This “fixture” is, of course, not suitable for all hinged cabinets. Secure it on the round

Cheese puffs made from ready-made puff pastry

If you want to bake delicious puff pastries with your own hands, but you don’t have enough time to prepare your own dough, then it’s convenient to use ready-made puff pastry. The recipe for cheese puffs will make it very easy to prepare aromatic,


Have you long dreamed of decorating your body with a special pattern, but you don’t have the courage, overcoming pain, to leave an indelible tattoo on yourself? Yes, and is it worth it when there are many alternatives? For example, luxurious Indian body painting - mehndi.

Homemade alcohol burner

A homemade alcohol burner can come in handy, say, while fishing, hiking, or in the forest. You can use it to heat food or boil water. It can also be used in other various experiments and experiments. Filled with alcohol it does not give

How to make a chair from scrap floorboards

For a long time I tried to make something with my own hands. But as always, there was not enough time, sometimes patience, or simply no strength. And one day at work I decided: “I’m bleeding from my nose, but I come home and start doing it.” The first thing that came to mind was


You can make a very beautiful Christmas tree if you wish. And it’s unlikely that anyone else will have one like this. You can even give this device to someone. The principle of operation of the Christmas tree is quite simple.

10 Watt LED light

LEDs can be very efficient and economical in long-term use. 10 watt LED bulbs can replace a 100 watt incandescent bulb or a 30 watt compact fluorescent bulb.Despite the relatively high

Joystick for computer from keyboard

We have already made a similar homemade product on our own, only in it we coordinated the joystick from the Dandy console with the computer hardware using a special program. Here we will simply remake an ordinary computer

Clock - night light

A night light clock is a wonderful thing for those who like to wake up at night. Usually people wake up in the middle of the night and frantically look for their mobile phone to check the time. Our craft kills two birds with one stone: it is both a clock illumination and a night light. Sveta

DIY Van de Graaff generator

The operating principle of a Van de Graaff generator is very similar to that of a Wimshurst machine, but instead of rotating discs, it uses a moving belt on two pulleys. The belt is electrified by friction against the lower pulley (in large machines it