Stereo FM transmitter from MP3 player

Not so long ago, a Chinese manufacturer developed this device for the lucky owners of cassette tape recorders who do not have enough money to buy a normal MP3 player.

Cheap and cheerful - it’s relatively cheap (I got it for 200 rubles), but it has a number of advantages, including a remote control. It's simple: plug it into the cigarette lighter, plug in a flash drive with your favorite music, tune the radio to the transmitter frequency and that's it! Click on the remote control without touching it with your hands from a distance.

I don't have a car, but I decided to use this little thing in my own way. Like a stereo transmitter. Why do I need this? And in order to broadcast sound from a laptop to a music center. The fact is that I like to watch movies on the big screen, on a projector. I connect the video directly from the laptop, but to connect the sound you need to pull a long wire to the center. To avoid this, I decided to get rid of the wires in my own way.

FM transmitter from MP3 player

I bought it and took it apart. Having made a kind of bunch of parts.

FM transmitter from MP3 player

The device is divided into two parts: a small board is a stabilizer.It reduces the voltage to 5 volts and stabilizes it accordingly. There are 3 wires going to it: two power wires and the third antenna (white in color). A large board with a display is the MP3 player itself.

FM transmitter from MP3 player

We solder all three wires from the large board. In place of the antenna wire, we solder a longer wire to increase the transmission radius. We take a USB adapter and solder power from it to the board as shown in the figure.

FM transmitter from MP3 player
FM transmitter from MP3 player

Next, we connect the sound to the transmitter. We find the transmitter chip. Sound from the processor comes to it through two chip capacitors. We remove these capacitors, I just carefully knocked them off with a screwdriver. The work is painstaking. We solder two capacitors with a nominal value of 0.01...0.1 μF to the output of the microcircuit and apply sound to them. We take the common wire from the minus of the board. That's all. It would be nice to add a resistor divider to each input, say 1:2, otherwise the laptop’s output is higher voltage than necessary. But then I realized it.

FM transmitter from MP3 player

Close and check. Works!

FM transmitter from MP3 player
FM transmitter from MP3 player
FM transmitter from MP3 player

Very comfortably! Our transmitter is also powered by a laptop. The quality is certainly not the same as through a wire, but quite decent. Now you can only change the transmitted frequency from the remote control, the rest has lost its power. I think there is nothing complicated here, anyone can do it themselves with a little effort without major problems.

FM transmitter from MP3 player
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Comments (13)
  1. Veent
    #1 Veent Guests 19 January 2013 18:35
    Excellent approach)) I would also like to pull out the guts from the usb speakers to make one usb cable
    Maybe you can still do code grabbers?
  2. Dimazik
    #2 Dimazik Guests 23 January 2013 13:55
    Great idea! The author gets five plus!

    Veent, you are a crooked person who doesn’t know how to do anything in your life except criticize other people’s skills.
    Probably it's from the start. Be human - respect other people's work!
  3. golden777
    #3 golden777 Guests January 28, 2013 00:43
    Dimazik would it be difficult for you to take a close-up photo of photo 6? where are all the connections
  4. Dimazik
    #4 Dimazik Guests January 28, 2013 07:52
    golden777, it won't bother me. Is it just me? I'm not the author.
  5. PC
    #5 PC Guests 23 May 2013 12:57
    I also wanted to do such a thing and bought such a thing, but I have a completely different scheme, please advise what I should do. Here is a photo

    #6 SJWREC Guests July 22, 2013 10:05
    Quote: PC
    I also wanted to make such a thing and bought such a thing, but my design is completely different

    Why is it complicated, connect the USB power from the PC, select the broadcast frequency on the receiver too.
    There will be no sound, only a hum from the transmitter. Next, take a needle and carefully touch the soldering capacitors (small gray ones), as a result, after a while you will come across a strongly phoning sound in one of the receiver speakers, then in the same way you will find the second sound channel. Then apply a quiet sound from the PC to these contacts. And everything should work. I did mine that way myself.

    Good luck.
  7. jonny241
    #7 jonny241 Guests August 20, 2013 00:28
    Well, why the hell, something had to be redone, I would have left it as it is and that’s it! Better to think about how to put this in a netbook figb
  8. Alexander
    #8 Alexander Guests June 22, 2014 00:01
    Very good idea. I have long wanted to make myself wireless headphones, now the idea should come true. Only to
    your circuit needs to add a miniature receiver built directly into the headphones.
  9. RUs
    #9 RUs Guests August 15, 2014 02:08
    what is the broadcast radius?
  10. L.M.
    #10 L.M. Guests 21 November 2014 13:04
    In especially hopeless cases, modulators for cars with a ready-made audio input for a 3.5 mm jack are also sold. inexpensive. But the author is handsome and solved the problem more radically.
    PS Author is burning. Your site is interesting, I will read it.