Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Compressor equipment is becoming more and more popular and in demand, because it is made in a wide variety of modifications and sizes. The power of compressed air is widely used in workshops, factories and factories. Home craftsmen also do not shy away from this topic.
Homemade compressor units based on a standard compressor from a refrigerator are far from a new phenomenon. In order to obtain equipment that is close to professional, they are modernized, supplemented with various auxiliary elements - sensors, relays, pressure gauges, receivers, etc. However, most often they settle on budget options, one of which we want to bring to your attention today.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

The principle of operation of the compressor device from the refrigerator

A standard refrigerator compressor is a compressor unit without a storage tank, which is enclosed in a metal casing. Two copper tubes extend from it, through which air is sucked in and released out under pressure. The electrical connection diagram practically does not change, since it is ready-made.Air filters are mounted on the inlet and outlet pipes, followed by an oxygen hose with an adapter for the consumer.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Compressor Assembly Resources

  • Refrigerator compressor;
  • Connection cable with plug;
  • Car air filter – 2 pcs;
  • Oxygen hose for pipes;
  • Spiral oxygen hose with quick-release adapters;
  • Air gun for inflating wheels;
  • Clamps, wires.

Tool: knife, screwdriver, pliers.

Assembling a compressor unit

The compressor from the refrigerator is equipped with a start relay, to which the thermostat is initially connected. It is not involved in this assembly, so it must be disconnected by first marking the contacts on the starting relay and closing them with a piece of insulated wire.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

We select an oxygen hose according to the diameter of the pipe, and install an air filter at the compressor inlet. One of its plastic air intake pipes can be cut off, leaving a hole free. The connection can be made without clamps, since this element of our installation is not under pressure.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

The pipe for it should not be made long. We cut it off with a knife and install the filter by hand. To prevent the copper tubes of the compressor from being on the same line and interfering with each other, they can be bent in different directions.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Next we attach the second air filter to the outlet. If necessary, the copper pipe can be shortened to accommodate it using wire cutters.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

As the author’s own practice has shown, even with relatively low pressure, such an assembly cannot do without clamps. We place them on the pipes and tighten the connection. The author plugged the second copper pipe coming out of the compressor with a self-tapping screw and electrical tape.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

We attach a small piece of oxygen hose to the air filter, and connect a spiral hose for compressor work. This can also be done through a quick-release adapter.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Now you can connect an air gun to inflate the wheels to the spiral hose and check the functionality of our installation. To avoid excess pressure in the hoses and filter, you can crimp the trigger of the air gun with a nylon tie.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

As you can see, the author of the homemade product managed to obtain a working pressure of about 3 atm, which is quite enough for quickly inflating wheels in the garage. By the way, such an installation can be used for a wide variety of work, for example, for painting with a spray gun.
Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires

Refrigerator compressor for inflating tires


The weak point of this compressor unit is the plastic air filters. At a pressure of several atmospheres, their body swells greatly, and they can simply burst. Therefore, this version of their application is conditional and is not final. The installation itself is completely worthy of trust and the closest attention from not only car enthusiasts, but also those who simply love to make things with their own hands. Have a nice day, everyone!

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Comments (18)
  1. Konstantin
    #1 Konstantin Guests March 2, 2018 07:45
    The thermal relay cannot be removed, because At low temperatures, for example when the compressor is installed in an unheated garage, the oil solidifies and the engine, cranking the air pump under load, becomes very hot and fails. In this case, the thermal relay will turn off the engine and save it from failure. It is better to use a fuel filter from a VAZ-2110 as a filter; it has a metal body.
  2. Guest NIKOLAY
    #2 Guest NIKOLAY Guests 2 March 2018 15:15
    I have been using this device for over 35 years without any problems. Once I worked idle for more than a day. Performance is better than portable 12V. The compressor from the ORSK refrigerator is one of the first Soviet ones.
  3. Valery Ratnikov
    #3 Valery Ratnikov Guests 2 March 2018 15:46
    I tried this compressor for how much pressure it can press, a pressure gauge for 60 atm. broken.
  4. Guest Andrey
    #4 Guest Andrey Guests 2 March 2018 17:40
    where are these air filters? these are fuel
  5. Raf
    #5 Raf Guests 2 March 2018 22:52
    Where's the lubricant? What about the oil? The wedge will be caught by the piston.
    1. Vadik
      #6 Vadik Guests March 3, 2018 08:22
      The grease is all inside. The compressor can work for 10 years without problems, that’s why it’s sealed.
  6. Nikita
    #7 Nikita Guests March 3, 2018 08:23
    Friends, tell me why install a filter at the compressor outlet? I understand at the entrance, so that the incoming air is purified, but we are the exit?!
    1. Guest Vladimir
      #8 Guest Vladimir Guests 6 March 2018 16:04
      Collect moisture and everything that comes out of the compressor will “pop out” :)
    2. Guest Vladimir
      #9 Guest Vladimir Guests 15 March 2018 10:56
      An outlet filter is necessary for oil separation. It is better to install it vertically to ensure reverse drainage of oil. Accordingly, this limits the continuity of operation of the compressor.
  7. Ges
    #10 Ges Guests March 3, 2018 12:10
    Not suitable for a spray gun, productivity is low.
  8. Oleg Petrovich
    #11 Oleg Petrovich Guests March 4, 2018 04:17
    I assembled such a compressor about 15 years ago. I installed a receiver, a pressure sensor with a pressure gauge. Everything would be fine if the compressor did not expel oil that gets into the tire. But the compressor itself, without oil, jams after several starts. This was the end of the homemade project.
  9. Guest Igor
    #12 Guest Igor Guests 4 March 2018 14:54
    I’ve made such compressors more than once, they don’t last long because the internal lubrication is lost, apparently the author didn’t take this into account, just to somehow pump up the tires on a bicycle for children once a month, it’s not good for more...
  10. Guest Yuri
    #13 Guest Yuri Guests 4 March 2018 21:41
    Such compressors press more than 10 atm.