Ways to improve the performance of an apartment battery

Ways to improve the performance of an apartment battery

It often happens that during the cold season, the heating power of an ordinary apartment radiator is not enough to maintain a consistently high temperature in the house, and residents, for normal and comfortable life, either have to change the heating system or come up with some ways to increase the heat in the house. home.

As practice shows, simply repainting the battery in a dark color is quite effective. Despite the dubiousness of this method, in the new guise, its heat transfer will increase slightly. Also, by increasing the area of ​​the radiator using an aluminum casing, you will greatly increase the heat concentration, since aluminum tends to heat up very quickly.

Typically, the batteries are located close to the walls with windows - the coldest sides of the room, closest to the external, cold environment. Because of this factor, most of the heat created goes practically nowhere, trying in vain to heat the constantly cooling wall. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to place a layer of foil on the wall behind the radiator, and, if possible, place a heat-reflecting screen on the floor.Thanks to this method, the hot air will go in the right direction, and the screen, which is prone to heating, will also give off heat.

One way or another, if the heat is still not enough for you, and the purchase of additional electric heaters is not entirely justified in your opinion, then the best solution would be to replace the battery with a newer and higher-quality model. After all, cold is not very favorable for a person, and it can once again contribute to illness.
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Comments (3)
  1. AlexPost
    #1 AlexPost Guests 5 February 2014 15:12
    I can also suggest the option of converting the battery into a fan heater: put several 8cm fans from the computer below and power them from any 12V power supply into an outlet. Fans should blow upward. If the battery has a temperature at least above 40*, its efficiency will increase greatly. Of course, there is no point in blowing air on a cold battery. The disadvantage of this solution is that the internal ribs become overgrown with dust and noise from wind turbines. But this IMHO is a small price to pay for the heat in the room. Well, and even more so, much more aesthetically pleasing than a black battery :)
  2. Legos
    #2 Legos Guests 25 September 2014 22:58
    I have one fan on each battery, they are located on the side of the radiators. Due to forced ventilation of the battery, the temperature in the rooms increased by an average of two degrees.
    Regarding noise and dust: the noise is small, audible only at night (those who sleep lightly can set a shutdown timer). And there is less dust :-) (it probably blows away).
  3. Guest Igor
    #3 Guest Igor Guests 30 August 2018 18:23
    In any case, you will have to heat the street wall, regardless of where the heating radiators are located. Close to the wall or at a distance of 20 cm. This will not change anything. In any case, there will be cold coming from the wall and you need to overcome it.
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