Inexpensive decorative bricks

Sooner or later, the time comes for renovation in any apartment. To carry it out, construction stores offer a huge selection of finishing materials. There are also decorative bricks for sale for every taste. But the price for them is “biting”.

White-winged gliders, airplane made from ceiling tiles

Recently, small models of gliders made from EPP, or, in other words, from ceiling tiles, have begun to appear in toy stores. Of course, such a toy flies beautifully, can withstand many flights and can be used everywhere, but the prices are steep - $9 per

“Milk porridge” mode in the POLARIS multicooker

So, having heard enough from my friends and acquaintances that this is a miracle device, I decided to keep up with them and also acquire this miracle machine. In general, I chose and chose, choosing a multicooker from POLARIS. This model cost relatively within

Knitted summer necklace with beaded trim

Every woman wants to look unique and original, especially in the summer. After all, it is in the summer that we can boast not only of outfits, but also of jewelry. In winter, it is simply not visible from under outerwear.I would like to introduce you to a related

Homemade folding grill

We all love spring, summer... the time when you can go out of town with your family and friends for a picnic. But what would a picnic be without barbecue? It’s not always the place where you arrive that will have the material to build a stand for skewers or a barbecue. So I decided

Amplifier based on STK402-020…STK402-120

Today I would like to tell you about an amplifier which, in my opinion, is an excellent solution in terms of price-power-quality ratio. And so, today we have the STK series microcircuit in the leading role. stk chips are hybrid chips that

Learning to make original gift wrapping

Gift wrapping often becomes a serious and difficult task when you don't know what to choose. As you know, the best gift is one made with your own hands and from the heart. Therefore, if a gift is ready, but you don’t know what to give it, help you out

Dreams come true - Lego MindStorms NXT robot

Robots in our lives are no longer fantasy, but reality! They are used in all areas of human activity: transport, surgery, military industry, space exploration... They serve people by performing certain tasks. And to manage

Kusudama "Triple pancake"

Kusudama was used in Japan to store medicinal or simply aromatic herbs. Natural scents were believed to be beneficial for physical and spiritual health. There are a huge number of kusudama models, Japanese origami masters and

Homemade volcano

The proposed volcano model can be easily made at home.It can become a spectacular imitation of the process that occurs in the depths of our Earth. The production of an object is divided into 2 logical parts. The first part is making

Fox case: a cute and practical thing for your phone

Have you bought a phone but are afraid of scratching it while using it? So you need to buy a case for your phone. And even better - do it yourself. This will give your phone an unusual, exclusive look. This master class will introduce the process

Patchwork style pillowcase with embroidery elements

Beautiful things always please the eye. Homemade things are especially pleasant to the soul. They are unique in that the soul of the person who created them is embedded in them. Naturally, many people want to make everything that surrounds their child more convenient and beautiful. After all, children

Ways to improve the performance of an apartment battery

It often happens that during the cold season, the heating power of a conventional apartment battery is not enough to maintain a consistently high temperature in the house, and residents have to either change the system for normal and comfortable life.

Sleeping toy "Dachshund"

What could be more enjoyable than making something with your own hands for your own child? Especially when a homemade thing brings joy to a child. This article will tell you how to sew a cute sleep toy. To do this you will need: - soft


Those who do sewing always have a lot of scraps left over that are a pity to throw away. I always want to use them somehow.There is only enough imagination for patchwork blankets, pillows, toys, various potholders and “seats” for stools. But patchwork and

Homemade barometer - master class

When preparing for a hike, it is necessary to know the weather for tomorrow in order to adjust the plan or even postpone the hike if weather forecasts may threaten the health of participants. It is known that, in addition to folk superstitions, barometers predict the weather well.

Powerful converter for powering the subwoofer from the on-board 12 volt network

Perhaps the most difficult part of amplifier design is powering the subwoofer channel from the on-board 12 volt network. There are a lot of reviews about it in various forums, but it’s very difficult to make a really good converter using the advice of experts, check this out

Inverter for LDS from a broken laptop

In this article I will talk about how you can simply make an inverter for LDS. I needed it to check the backlight of laptop lamp matrices. In such matrices, a conventional very small gas-discharge lamp is installed as illumination.

Homemade earrings

I wanted beautiful earrings to go with the knitted dress, but not gold or silver, but something else, original. It was decided to create them with our own hands. I like to sculpt from polymer clay (plastic), so there were no problems with the selection of material for the earrings.

Homemade lamps from decorative glass

Hello. I make lamps with my own hands from different types of decorative glass. I don’t think it needs any explanation - everything is simple and clear. I will make it to order for you.

Paper napkin rose

You can make a rose from a paper napkin in a few minutes. When choosing a material for work, you need to take into account that a finished flower made from a thick and multi-layered napkin will better retain its shape, but curling such paper will be more difficult.

Shelf in Provencal style

Furniture and interior items in the Provence style are a fashion trend today. Perhaps someone would like to decorate their home with an interesting detail in this style. In order to acquire such an interesting thing, it is not at all necessary to go to a special store.

Original postcard for March 8th

Nowadays the stores are full of postcards for any event, but the popularity of hand-made items does not cease to grow. Agree, it’s nice to receive a postcard on which the giver may have spent more than one hour creating it personally for you. Give a piece

A gift for your loved one – a pencil holder with ducklings in love

A handmade pencil holder can be a wonderful gift for your loved one on Valentine’s Day. For it you need to have the glass itself and two knitted figures of ducklings: a boy and a girl.