Inverter for LDS from a broken laptop

In this article I will talk about how you can simply make an inverter for LDS. I needed it to check the backlight of laptop lamp matrices. In such matrices, a conventional gas-discharge lamp of a very small diameter is installed as backlight. And like any similar lamp, it starts only if a high potential is applied to the filaments. In a laptop, the inverter is responsible for this.

Inverter for LDS from a broken laptop

But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to run it away from the laptop, and besides, it is not always possible to find a working one. I propose to make a worthy alternative to this device.
And so all we need is a computer power supply of any power and a transformer from an inverter or a similar homemade one.
First of all, we take the power supply and unsolder all the extra wires from it except the green one and the network connection (220 V)

The green wire can be immediately soldered to the negative (where the black wires were). This wire is responsible for starting the power supply. When it is shorted to the case, the same thing happens as when you press the power button of the system unit.
Now you need to solder to the low-voltage windings of the main (largest) transformer.Any power supply without exception produces voltages +3.3 (orange wires) +5 (red wires) +12 (yellow wires) Accordingly, each voltage has its own output and one ground (black wire)
Approximate diagram of the output block of any power supply unit, the designations of the elements are approximate and may not coincide.

In these sections of the circuit we will get low high-frequency voltage.

Thus, we received two taps with variable HF voltage, now the only thing we need to do is find a high-voltage transformer. I used a transformer from an inverter, you can make one yourself or use a line transformer.

That's all that's left to do: check the device and put it back in the case. The device works the first time without any settings. The voltage at the output of the transformer is relatively high, but due to the high frequency it is not fatal; if affected in a short period of time, no pain is felt; with prolonged exposure, deep burns occur. Be careful! For the first start, I advise you to connect not to the 12 V output but to 5 V because the high-voltage winding may break through.
Laptop Matrix:

Turn on

Laptop matrix lamp:

Also, with sufficient transformer power, you can connect any other similar lamp or simply obtain a high RF voltage.
Remember, 220 V voltage is dangerous to life; installation must be carried out strictly with the device disconnected from the network.
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Comments (7)
  1. Name
    #1 Name Guests 2 April 2013 14:55
    I don’t understand, what’s the problem with just connecting an inverter from a laptop?
  2. vitalij
    #2 vitalij Guests 14 April 2013 13:34
    What if you remove the transformer from the inverter and connect the LED strip. This means replacing the lamp with LED backlighting. I’m a complete layman in this, but this idea appeared. Thank you.
  3. Veent
    #3 Veent Guests April 15, 2013 00:04
    Quote: vitalij
    What if you remove the transformer from the inverter and connect the LED strip. This means replacing the lamp with LED backlighting. I’m a complete layman in this, but this idea appeared. Thank you.

    This is an unprofitable, thankless job, and it’s not easy to find a tape of suitable width and brightness, especially since lamp matrices are practically no longer produced.
  4. b90
    #4 b90 Guests 13 December 2013 18:20
    Good afternoon Can you tell me how to make a lamp out of a matrix lamp? I have 4 lamps left from the monitor, and I want to make a lamp out of them, can you tell me anything? I still have a power supply... but no inverter
  5. Denis
    #5 Denis Guests 9 September 2014 12:24
    Can you provide a more detailed diagram of how to solder the wires onto the board with the inverter, otherwise the photo does not show what to solder where. Thanks in advance!
  6. Alexei
    #6 Alexei Guests 25 November 2017 19:40
    smoke started coming from the trance, you need to start the inverter by applying voltage for switching on and for brightness, see the pinout of the connection pins on the inverter board
    #7 ONLINER Guests 19 July 2022 20:16
    Didn't understand! What is the LDS in the laptop? There are lights and everything! LDS over there, in the scanners! And then, cutting them down is no problem...