Garden. Page 13

Master classes:

How to cut a car tire into thin strips and where to use it

An old car tire can be cut into thin strips. They are an excellent replacement for rope or cable. The stripes are also useful when weaving garden furniture.

How to get an early potato harvest

Sprouting potatoes is a reliable way to speed up the harvest. Therefore, if you like “young” potatoes, be sure to use the following simple method, which consists of germinating and planting seeds early.

All the tricks and subtleties of planting garlic before winter from “A” to “Z”

The key to high yields of garlic lies in its proper planting. If this is initially done in a bad place and at the wrong time, then neither watering nor fertilizers will help.

How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall. A method for the lazy

In the fall, after pruning roses, there are many branches left that can be rooted into seedlings. It should be noted that in the spring they have a very high survival rate, so such cuttings get the maximum return.

A 100% way to preserve cabbage until the next harvest in the cellar, basement, attic or balcony

Cabbage collected from the garden or purchased during the season at a normal price can last until the next harvest without any problems. To do this, you just need to properly prepare it for storage.

How to plant onions before winter to get a record harvest

In late autumn there is more free time, so it can be used for planting onions. This, firstly, will make work easier in the spring, and secondly, it will give a very decent harvest.

Rapid propagation of currants by layering in autumn

Of course, you can propagate currants by cuttings, but it will take too long for the fruits to appear. It is much faster to do this by digging up the cuttings in the fall. Next summer you can already get a small bush that will quickly gain strength

How to keep greens fresh. 4 ways to properly freeze

Seasonal greens are many times more fragrant and healthier than greenhouse greens. In this regard, if possible, it is better to freeze it and use it in winter instead of fresh store-bought. This can be done in different ways. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. For freezing

How and when to plant garlic in winter for a big harvest

Garlic is planted in open ground 3-4 weeks before the onset of cold weather. Depending on the region, it is better to do this from the second half of September until the end of the first ten days of December. In addition to meeting deadlines, it is also important to adhere to other conditions.

A reliable method of storing carrots and beets that has been proven over the years

Properly prepared carrots and beets can last without problems until the next harvest. If they are simply thrown into a heap in a cellar or basement, then the supplies begin to rot. To preserve 100% of your harvest, try this method.

Do-it-yourself simplified potato digger for a walk-behind tractor

When pulling out potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, it is optimal to use a potato digger with a rumble. She puts all the tubers on top, so when collecting them you don’t need to dig into the soil with your hands. You can make a very simple digger with a rumble yourself.

I grow garlic the size of my fist, it grows on its own, diseases don’t attack it, I’m sharing the secret

Garlic, like any garden crop, will be large and fragrant only under comfortable growing conditions. If you plant even a very good variety in bad soil, there will not be a rich harvest.

How to bake 5 kg of meat in a pit in one piece

To treat guests, it’s a great idea to serve a mountain of meat, baked in one piece. To make it really tasty and aromatic, doing it in the oven is not an option. Try baking it in a pit over coals, the result will simply amaze you. It's a long time

A cheap way to fight ants and aphids on trees

Aphids appear on tree leaves thanks to the ants that inhabit them. Therefore, to get rid of it, you need to remove the ants. This can be done in a very simple, almost free way.

Making a concrete garden path under a stone with your own hands is not difficult

Thanks to the commercial availability of concrete dyes, it has become possible to pour decorative colored garden paths that skillfully imitate stone.They look no worse than paving slabs, but do not have problems with sprouting

Do you want to get a bumper harvest next summer? Then do this

In order to restore depleted soil for the new season, in the fall, before cultivating or plowing it, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizer. Let's look at how to do this, how much and what kind of fertilizer to apply.

It will not rot: How to install wooden posts in the ground

If you need to install a fence for grapes or a fence, in order to reduce the cost of construction, you can use your own prepared wooden poles. If you properly prepare and bury them, they will last no less than

How to make a magnificent garden figure from ordinary concrete

Having successful childhood experience in modeling from plasticine, you can try yourself in making simple concrete sculptures to decorate the garden. You don't have to be Michelangelo to do this, although a certain amount of talent is still required. You can pre-

Goodbye wasps. How to make a bottle trap and forget about poisonous insects

Wasps are extremely dangerous insects, as they often attack humans or pets for no apparent reason, and are also capable of stinging several times in a row. In areas where their nests are located or sweet juicy plants grow

How to make a reliable drill with overhead blades from a saw blade

If you don’t have a garden auger, you don’t have to go to a hardware store to buy one; you can weld this tool yourself.To do this, all you need is an old circular blade and a couple of worn-out reciprocating saw blades.

How to remove a tree stump using a car jack

After cutting down a tree, a stump remains, which, even with a living root, produces shoots for many years. Usually, to get rid of it, you need to dig it up along with the roots, which can take several hours or even days. It is much easier and more accurate to pull out the stump from

We dispose of leaves safely and profitably using a barrel

In order not to burn cut branches and other garden debris on the ground, since after this nothing will grow in the burned area, it is worth making a special firebox. With it you can burn tons of garbage without damaging the area.

Plants grow right before our eyes from this waste fertilizer

For the active growth of any plants, micro and macroelements are necessary, which they can obtain in large quantities from compost. Since it is not possible to add dry fertilizer to the soil of an already planted plant, you can make a liquid fertilizer based on it.

How to preserve the germination of vegetable and flower seeds at home?

Many gardeners and vegetable gardeners prepare planting material at home. Using your own collected and carefully dried seeds is not only a way to save money on their purchase, but also a guarantee against