How to get an early potato harvest

Sprouting potatoes is a reliable way to speed up the harvest. Therefore, if you like “young” potatoes, be sure to use the following simple method, which consists of germinating and planting seeds early.

Selection and germination of potato seeds

For seedlings, it is advisable to choose medium-sized or larger potatoes. Small potatoes are more likely to produce smaller tubers. Large tubers can be divided into parts so that each of them has several buds for future sprouts.
  • First, we place an insulating layer in a container (shallow container, wooden or plastic box). Then sprinkle the bottom with substrate, sawdust or soil, and add perlite. Wet thoroughly, but do not fill!
  • Place a layer of potatoes on the prepared soil and lightly press into the substrate. Then place the container in a cool place, but with sufficient lighting.
  • Within two to three weeks, when maintaining constant humidity and light, the potatoes produce not only green sprouts, but also roots.

You can also germinate “dry” by simply placing the seeds in a box with soil, or plant the tubers on a rope and hang them in a sunny and humid place. The disadvantage of this method is that the potatoes will only produce green sprouts. In addition, the tuber will be deprived of sufficient nutrients that will be needed after planting in the ground.
How to get an early potato harvest

Soil temperature

It is advisable to plant sprouted potatoes in warm soil, but if weather conditions are far from ideal, then any suitable material (black fabric or polycarbonate) can be used for pre-warming; the sun will take care of the rest. Cover a small area of ​​the garden bed with the material, let the soil warm up and only then plant the seeds.

Proper planting of tubers

Sprouted potatoes must be planted correctly in the furrows. The planting depth should be approximately 10-15 cm. Place the tubers so that the roots point down and the sprouts point up. Be very careful as they are very fragile and incredibly easy to break. After planting, immediately cover the potatoes with soil and water if necessary.

Protecting plants from frost

Due to the fact that the green part of the potatoes will quickly appear above the ground, during periods when there is a high risk of frost, the rows must be covered with a white non-woven fabric. If stronger frosts are expected, water generously with water, which will evaporate at night and the plants will not freeze.

Timely hilling

Hilling will provide the plants with good conditions for tuberization. During the first hilling, young shoots can be completely covered with soil, which will additionally protect them from the cold.

Watering and weeding

If the soil is dry, water the potatoes, but only between individual rows.And so that potatoes do not have to compete with other plants for nutrients and moisture, regular weeding is necessary. In addition, soils overgrown with weeds harbor more larvae of insect pests, which will significantly deteriorate the quality and quantity of the crop.

Protecting potatoes from Colorado potato beetles

Inspect the leaves regularly to make sure there are no Colorado potato beetle eggs (clumps of yellow or dark orange eggs) laid on them. If the clutch is in its infancy, it is enough to manually collect and destroy all adults and eggs. If the infection has become more widespread, use any biological or chemical insecticide.

Mold protection

Due to high humidity and when planted close together, mold may appear on the stems and leaves, which can be controlled by spraying with a fungicide.
If all these conditions are met, the first harvest can be harvested in early June.
How to get an early potato harvest
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