How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall. A method for the lazy

In the fall, after pruning roses, there are many branches left that can be rooted into seedlings. It should be noted that in the spring they have a very high survival rate, so such cuttings get the maximum return.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

What you will need:

  • pruner;
  • plastic box;
  • sand;
  • Kornevin;
  • candle;
  • river sand;
  • Lutrasil 60 g/m2.

The process of cutting roses

In the fall, you can cut branches of absolutely any thickness. They are cut into cuttings with 4-5 buds.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

The lower cut is made oblique 1 cm before the first bud, the upper cut is straight 1 cm above the last one. In this way, the required number of cuttings without leaves is prepared.
The cuttings must be kept for 2 hours in a solution of the growth stimulator “Kornevin”. For a small package 10 g. just add 200 ml of water. Immediately you need to seal the top cut of the cuttings with candle wax.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

The cuttings are planted in pre-dug prepared soil in a slightly shaded place. Grooves 10 cm deep are cut on it. You need 2 short beds, which can be covered with a plastic box. River sand is poured into the grooves.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

The cuttings are placed in grooves at an angle of 45 degrees in increments of 5-7 cm.Their lower end is slightly deepened, then they are covered with soil. They need to be covered with a plastic box on top.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

Later, when the temperature at night begins to approach zero, they should be sprinkled under the box with pine needles or dried flowers in a 20 cm layer.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

On top everything is covered in 2 layers of spunbond or lutrasil with a density of 60 g/m2. You can simply use a box and 3-4 layers of covering material.
In the spring you will need to remove the needles and leave one layer of lutrasil to gradually harden the cuttings. As the buds awaken and take root, they are carefully pulled out and seated.
How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

How to cut roses in large quantities in the fall A method for the lazy

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