It will not rot: How to install wooden posts in the ground

If you need to install a fence for grapes or a fence, in order to reduce the cost of construction, you can use your own prepared wooden poles. If you properly prepare and bury them, they will last no less than metal ones.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

What you will need:

  • dead wood pillars;
  • working off;
  • clay.

The process of preparing and burying pillars

The most durable pillars are those made from dead wood. They have naturally sealed pores, so they absorb less moisture, which is why they rot more slowly. When preparing pillars, you must first look for dead wood of acacia and oak; larch and pine are also suitable.
The pillars are cut to the required length, then it is necessary to clear their dug-in part from the bark to a level 20-30 cm higher than the depth of the holes. If a thin loose layer appears under the bark, it must be removed. This can be done in a couple of minutes using a grinder with a metal brush installed. The depth of burial of the pillars depends on the type of soil and the load that will be placed on them. For a vineyard, 50 cm is enough, for a fence, 100 cm.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

The cleaned part of the pillars is impregnated with mining.Oil is applied to the bottom end and to the surface cleared of bark. As soon as it is absorbed, you need to go through the brush again. According to the technology, you need to do at least 2-3 treatments to completely block the access of water to the tree.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

Next, a hole is dug or drilled. It is made 20 cm deeper than the required depth of the pillar.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

A couple of shovels of clay are poured into its bottom and compacted tightly with a thin pole.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

This will be a water-retaining cushion. Then the post is lowered into the hole and a third is covered with clay.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

After this, you need to stop and align the pole vertically. Since it is not perfectly level, a bubble level will not help in this case. It is best to navigate by the suspension. The column is trimmed, and the clay added to the sides is compacted. After this, a couple more shovels are thrown in and compacted again. The clay is poured slightly above the level of the hole to create a cone around the post.
It will not rot How to install wooden posts in the ground

Thus, if everything is divided using this technology, the pole will receive triple protection. Firstly, it already absorbs water poorly, since it is dead wood, secondly, it is impregnated with mining, and thirdly, it is additionally protected from wet soil by clay.

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