beauty and health

Master classes:

5 sure and quick ways to get rid of a hangover

It's hard to find a person who has never experienced pangs after the holidays. This includes heaviness in the stomach, and migraine, as well as lethargy and apathy. Of course, there is one simple recommendation - you don’t need to drink a lot. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out

A heating pad for a child from a favorite toy in 5 minutes. Proven advice from grandma

If a sick child does not want to sleep with a burner to warm him up, make him a warm toy with a secret. With her, the baby will lie in an embrace with pleasure.

The doctor told how to improve lung function to prevent pneumonia

Every person's lungs are damaged to some extent by fibrosis, which is a consequence of suffering from colds, especially pneumonia. These formations can be developed and removed by applying daily exercises. The absence of fibrosis is the key to health

Delicious immune booster: How to make ginger syrup at home

Ginger is known to many people as a spicy spice that is sold in stores either in powder form or in root form.And why not use it! Today we will prepare ginger root syrup. Many chefs and pastry chefs add it to

How to make a healing mat from river stones

Walking barefoot on rocks is a significant contribution to health. The need to walk on pebbles is especially felt in the morning: when your feet haven’t had time to rest properly, you don’t want to put on your shoes right away. Unfortunately, daily walks on rocky

How to check your lungs in 10 seconds and suspect an asymptomatic disease in the first stages

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of lung damage from viral infections or the development of dangerous complications from the flu increases. This is accompanied by fibrosis, which at first has no symptoms. In this regard, it is recommended daily

Popular misconceptions that make hangovers worse. Toxicologist's advice

There are many misconceptions about what you need to do to relieve hangover symptoms. If you follow some advice, it will get worse. So never do the following.

6 cheap remedies from the pharmacy that will save you from a hangover

It will surprise no one that in a pharmacy drugs with the same active ingredient can have a price difference of 10 or more times. Let's look at 6 available remedies that will help with a hangover.

Papillomas will fall off on their own: 5 traditional methods of removal

Papillomas may appear on the neck, eyelids, armpits or other areas of skin friction. These small formations are not a serious medical problem requiring the attention of a doctor.You can get rid of them at home

An incredibly simple way to remove pigment spots on the skin

With age, especially with diseases of the liver, gallbladder or intestines, pigment spots may appear on the skin. If you undergo examination in time and improve your health, they will go away, but not as quickly as we would like. You can remove stains by

Making a wall-mounted compact boxing trainer from a tire

To practice punches and kicks, you can make a very simple wall-mounted simulator from a tire. It has a simple device that allows you to do it in literally 1 hour.

How to make a dummy for practicing impacts from car parts

To practice kicking and punching techniques, it is convenient to use a floor dummy. It will be useful for both athletes involved in combat disciplines and amateurs. Unlike a punching bag, it can be placed outside in any place for training on

How to easily make a medical mask

Hello, friends! Everyone knows that in order to protect yourself from various viruses and infections in public places, it is recommended to wear a medical mask on your face. What’s so complicated about it, it would seem, I went to the pharmacy, bought this mask and that’s it. But after

A method for emergency blood pressure reduction without drugs using plastic bottles

Hypertensive patients and elderly people suffer from periodic increases in blood pressure.This is accompanied by poor health, and in severe cases can lead to extremely undesirable consequences, including a heart attack. To avoid this,

Removing warts at home

One fine day, unexpectedly for myself, I discovered that a wart had appeared on my face. At first I thought that a pimple had popped off, but for some reason it didn’t go away for a long time, and then it actually increased in size.

How to stop hair loss and make it thicker?

Thick hair has always been one of the main indicators of beauty. And it doesn’t matter who we’re talking about, a woman or a man. Some representatives of the stronger sex shave their heads bald, citing fashion reasons. At the same time, none of them would refuse

How to make dumbbells yourself

In this master class I will tell you how I made homemade dumbbells from cement for home exercise. In terms of manufacturing cost, it will be several times cheaper than purchased dumbbells.

Homemade punching bag

In a professional boxing training room you can find dozens of varieties of punching bags and bags, which are necessary for practicing the strength and technique of kicks or punches. Professional bags cost a lot of money. Any man

DIY burdock shampoo

Nature has created everything that a person needs for health and beauty. Previously, women knew the benefits of each plant and successfully used its abilities. Today, store shelves are simply overflowing with cosmetics. This makes it possible to select

DIY rowing machine

Working out on a rowing machine is a great way to strengthen your cardiovascular system. The rowing machine is much less popular than treadmills and exercise bikes. And completely undeservedly, since it is much more effective

Safe teeth whitening at home

This is the best method for teeth whitening at home. Also very simple. I will tell you how to make a natural whitening composition, with which you will need to brush your teeth regularly for a certain period. And your smile will become

Throat lozenges

With the arrival of winter comes the time for a cold! And most often it is the throat that starts to hurt. Of course, there are many different medications like Strepsils, etc. But since all these medicines are quite expensive, I want to offer you a more budget-friendly one, completely

How to make a barbell with your own hands

Current prices for sporting goods are sky-high, so it is much more profitable to make high-quality equipment at home. The barbell is the optimal athletic equipment for developing various muscle groups. Not required

Energy bars

Surely each of us has faced the problem of not having time to eat properly! Such periods are very harmful to our body and threaten various stomach diseases. But luckily I found a very good way to avoid all this!