5 sure and quick ways to get rid of a hangover

5 sure and quick ways to get rid of a hangover

It's hard to find a person who has never experienced pangs after the holidays. This includes heaviness in the stomach, and migraine, as well as lethargy and apathy. Of course, there is one simple recommendation - you don’t need to drink a lot. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to spend an evening without having too much alcohol. That is why you need to know the key rules that will help with a hangover.

1. More fluid.

Alcoholic drinks not only cloud a person’s mind, depriving him of the ability to think and move normally. But it also “flushes” fluid from the body. This leads to morning symptoms such as dry mouth and unbearable thirst.
You should not drink drinks such as tea and coffee after drinking. After all, they will lead to you wanting to drink even more. It is better to give preference to herbal tea, green tea, fruit drink or plain still water.

2. Sour.

It could be drinks. For example, kvass, but you shouldn’t buy a traditional dark drink. It is better to give preference to white or okroshka kvass. It is prepared using rye wort.
You can also prepare sour cabbage soup.Or a special recipe: prepare tangerine juice (you should get 0.5 l), add a little soda and drink quickly. In addition to quenching thirst, such a drink will restore the supply of vitamin C lost during the holidays.

3. Fermented milk products.

In order to return the body to its normal state, any fermented milk product will do. It can be regular kefir, unsweetened yogurt, koumiss. After all, sour milk contains, in addition to the liquid the body needs, protein, calcium and acid. Moreover, the latter is less aggressive for the stomach than, for example, brine.

4. Raw egg.

The yolk of a chicken egg will help alleviate the suffering of a hangover a little. You need to shake it in a glass and drink it on an empty stomach. This product contains a substance that helps remove acetaldehyde from the body. It is he who is the “culprit” of headaches during a hangover.
A raw egg

5. Broth.

Almost all “anti-hangover” recipes include soup. It is advisable that it be cooked in chicken broth. To quickly and easily cope with the task of preparing a wonderful potion, you can prepare the broth on the eve of the feast. And, if a person drinks alcohol quite rarely, but still has a hangover, you can have a container of broth in the freezer.

For example, you can prepare this soup: throw chopped onion, a large amount of dill (can be frozen) and potatoes (cooked whole and mashed in a plate) into a saucepan with boiling broth. The tuber has an absorbent effect, the onion will restore the sharpness of perception to a person, and the broth will “heal” the stomach.
Also read the article: 6 cheap remedies from the pharmacy that will save you from a hangover - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6714-6-kopeechnyh-sredstv-iz-apteki-kotorye-spasut-ot-pohmelja.html

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