Lifehacks and useful tips. Page 44

Master classes:

Bombs for laundry

Having once decided to use as few purchased chemicals as possible in household chores, I began to look for alternative replacements for them. Looking for and studying various recipes, I came to the conclusion that you can quite successfully make many

How to get rid of fungus on tiles forever!

It’s good when the apartment is warm and cozy, conducive to relaxation and comfortable living. An uninvited guest – a fungus – can spoil such an idyll. Very often, fungal infections are observed between the tile seams of the bathroom and in those places where

How to increase the size of leather shoes

An easy and economical way to increase the size of leather shoes. Recently, such a nuisance happened - I bought my daughter leather demi-season boots. And I wanted to take it to grow, that is, a size larger. They measured and selected for a long time, and as a result they went to

Household cleaning products

Dear housewives, how often do you study the composition of the products you use for cleaning, washing and washing dishes? No? But this is in vain. If necessary, read the information on the label. But there was a time when our grandmothers and great-grandmothers washed and washed

How to clean cupronickel spoons

Cutlery made of cupronickel, as well as silver, is found in almost every home. So I, while cleaning out my parents’ closets, came across a small box with teaspoons made of cupronickel with gold plating. But

Minor repairs of felted items

There are some things that are out of fashion. You get used to them, they become loved. It can be sad when their wear life ends prematurely. Workshops that do minor clothing repairs can quickly replace a broken snake,

Replacing doors: the experience of a “teapot”

Agents of specialized companies offer potential buyers to install doors on the street, in a store, even in the entrance of a house. But I hired a team to renovate two bedrooms, and the craftsmen promised to replace the doors if I prepared the appropriate

How to make shoes non-slippery at home

Unfortunately, sometimes the joy of buying new shoes is overshadowed by the fact that the soles turn out to be slippery. Of course, you can go to a shoemaker and get preventative care done, but often you don’t have enough time or money for this. But this problem can be easily solved in

Educational games and activities for a 2-3 year old child

At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. What happens around him is very important to him. The baby will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects

How to learn to save electricity?

None of us are ready to give up such a benefit of civilization as electricity. Moreover, without it you won’t be able to watch TV or hang out on the computer, and you can’t do without light either. Computers and TVs, chargers

Application of aluminum foil, or food foil for all occasions

Aluminum foil for food is the thinnest flexible sheet of aluminum, the minimum thickness of which reaches 0.001 mm. Food foil is used mainly by many housewives in culinary matters for preparing and storing food. Being non-toxic

We repair headphones ourselves

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with this situation: recently purchased headphones for a phone or MP 3 player have broken again, and there are already more than one pair of such products in the drawer... As a rule, one copy of the headphones comes out

How to shorten jeans

We often buy trousers, including jeans, that are much longer than necessary. To shorten your trousers, you can go to a studio, but today we will show you how to do it yourself, because the process of shortening trousers is not particularly difficult.

To prevent the bathroom mirror from fogging up

Each of us has faced the problem when, getting out of the shower, we try to look in the mirror for cosmetic procedures, but that was not the case. The entire mirror surface is covered in water stains and drops. You have to wait until the room

What does a beginning soap maker need?

Are you thinking about getting into home soap making but don't know where to start? First you need to prepare all the necessary raw materials and equipment. To do this, we buy from the list below everything you need to make handmade soap.

How to quickly peel a pineapple?

1. Rinse the pineapple under running water and wipe with a paper towel. Then take the sharpest knife (preferably ceramic) and cut off the base of the fruit, and then the top with leaves. After this you should have something like

Replacing handles on a bag

Nowadays, buying a new handbag is very easy. Huge selection from expensive leather to inexpensive textile. But there are situations when it’s a pity to give up your favorite bag just because its handles have become unusable, and in the workshop

How to refill a disposable lighter

In this article I will tell you how you can extend the life of a lighter that does not have a gas filling valve. To do this, we need an empty disposable piezo lighter, a gas can with a set of adapters, two matches and tweezers.

Remote control repair

With prolonged and intensive use, radio remote controls begin to develop a characteristic malfunction. The remote control buttons stop responding to pressing. This happens due to contamination of the contact pads of the board and rubber buttons,

We solder aluminum

There are situations when it is necessary to solder aluminum products. But due to the fact that the oxide film covers the surface of the aluminum, the solder simply does not stick to it. Solders and fluxes have now been developed specifically for this purpose.

Homemade handle for a plastic bottle

Sometimes, for various reasons, you have to use a plastic bottle to replenish your drinking water supply. But at the most inopportune moment, the handle of the bottle breaks off. I would like to offer two ways to make a homemade pen.

How to replace a runner on clothes

Previously this was quite problematic. Currently, hardware stores have a huge selection of sewing products. It's easy to select a slider. The size is usually written on the other side. Materials, configurations, “tuning” for every taste: plastic and metal,

Hood mounting problem

I bought a range hood, simple but not exactly cheap. I came home and was about to attach it to the kitchen, when suddenly I removed the gas pipe that was in the way. The manufacturer made standard mounts: for mounting flush on the wall, which is natural for me

How to remove super glue marks from skin?

Super glue, for a long time, has one constant property - even in the most careful hands, it always somehow mysteriously ends up on clothes, furniture and the skin of the hands, leaving extremely unpleasant marks, spoiling things and bringing terrible consequences.