We solder aluminum

There are situations when it is necessary to solder aluminum products. But due to the fact that the oxide film covers the surface of the aluminum, the solder simply does not stick to it. Solders and fluxes have now been developed specifically for this purpose. But we will try to cope with this task in the old fashioned way.

Attention! Work should be done in a well-ventilated area, preferably equipped with active ventilation, or outdoors.

To solder aluminum, we need machine oil (used to lubricate sewing machines), a small piece of sandpaper, rosin and regular solder for soldering radio components.

soldering materials

You need a soldering iron that is as powerful as possible. For example, this one. Its power is 65 W.

soldering iron

We will solder the bottom of an aluminum beer can.

Before work, the soldering iron tip must be leveled with a file (remove all shells) and tinned.

clean the soldering iron tip
moisten with solder

Use a piece of sandpaper to clean the soldering area until it shines.

strip aluminum

Pour some oil on this place.

Pour oil

Next, rub the oil stain with sandpaper.

rub the oil stain

By doing this, we remove the oxide film, and the oil prevents the formation of a new film.

The soldering iron should be warmed up to operating temperature by this time.

We dip the soldering iron tip into rosin, pick up as much solder as possible, dip it into rosin again and begin to quickly rub the future soldering area with little effort. At the same time, the oil begins to burn out profusely. Therefore, we do not regret rosin. If everything was done correctly, then a layer of tin should cover the surface of the aluminum.

repeat several times

Sometimes, to achieve the desired result, you will need to repeat this operation several times.

tinned aluminum

Copper wire is soldered to tinned aluminum very easily.

solder the copper wire

Now let's try to tin and solder the aluminum wire. We remove the insulation from it and clean it until it shines. Pour machine oil onto the tinned bottom of the jar.

solder aluminum wire

Next, the wire needs to be dipped in oil and rubbed with sandpaper.

remove the oxide film

Then we try to tin the wire right in the bottom of the can. If it works, then everything was done correctly. If not, we work again with sandpaper.

tinned aluminum wire

The wire is also perfectly soldered to the aluminum can.

We solder aluminum
We solder aluminum with our own hands

Instead of machine oil, you can use gun oil. If the aluminum part is large, it may need to be heated additionally. For example, on an electric stove.

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Comments (24)
  1. Lyohe
    #1 Lyohe Guests 20 February 2014 17:42
    Thanks good article
  2. Lybimoff
    #2 Lybimoff Guests February 21, 2014 11:13
    I am very glad that you liked my article.
  3. Alex
    #3 Alex Guests 17 May 2014 11:58
    Thank you! Simple as that! and Unexpectedly!
  4. Yakov
    #4 Yakov Guests 10 April 2015 14:06
    Simple and logical!
    But before this we had to THOUGHT OUT!!!
    Thanks, I'll definitely try it
  5. Michael
    #5 Michael Guests 1 April 2016 13:05
    Thank you, you helped a lot!
  6. Andrey
    #6 Andrey Guests 13 December 2016 15:13
    Hello. What is the strength of soldering aluminum with tin?

    For example, I need to weld (or solder) a jumper tube between the rear seats of a bicycle. The brakes will be attached to this jumper, that is, the unit is responsible and works under load.

    The jumper will be installed against the stop as the wheel rotates, but when braking, a torque will arise that can tear this tube away from the stays by rotation.
    1. yuoi
      #7 yuoi Guests January 8, 2019 05:50
      If you have good welding skills, weld with electrodes. There is an esab on sale - approx 96, I'm not sure what the exact number is. from my practice.
    2. Guest Alexey
      #8 Guest Alexey Guests January 26, 2019 07:31
      Better give it to the argon man
  7. Alexei
    #9 Alexei Guests 7 August 2017 21:19
    Andrey, hello.
    In your case, this method is not suitable.
  8. Kamerunec
    #10 Kamerunec Guests December 6, 2017 21:00
    Soldering aluminum using tinned metal filings is easier.
  9. Boris.
    #11 Boris. Guests 10 May 2018 17:14
    Instead of oil, beeswax is more effective (does not grease the surface).
    Also add silicon carbide powder (fraction 10-20 microns).
  10. Guest Sergey
    #12 Guest Sergey Guests 14 May 2018 20:07
    Respect! At one time I came up with something similar, only even simpler. I fill the surface not with oil, but directly with flux - liquid rosin (alcohol solution), clean the soldering area in this puddle with the edge of a file (the main thing is not to let air get to the surface), and tin place.