How to shorten jeans

We often buy trousers, including jeans, that are much longer than necessary. To shorten your trousers, you can contact a tailor, but today we will show you how to do it yourself, because the process of shortening trousers is not particularly difficult.
To shorten your pants to the desired length, you first need to try them on. Mark the desired length with chalk or head pins. How to mark the correct length, you ask? I do it this way: I ask the person for whom I am shortening the trousers to first move around in them, walk around so that they sit on the person in a way that is comfortable for him, then from the back on each trouser leg I pin pins 2 - 3 mm above the floor level so that the trouser legs not in contact with the floor. There is no need to pin the trouser legs at the front.

How to shorten jeans

Let's measure 2 cm from the pins and cut off the excess fabric from the leg of the jeans, first from the back, then from the front, taking into account that we will make the trousers 3 - 4 mm shorter in front.

How to shorten jeans

Fold the fabric inward twice, making a basting - the first time after folding by 0.5 cm, the second time after folding by 2 cm.

How to shorten jeans

How to shorten jeans

At a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the product we will add a line.

How to shorten jeans

To secure the threads to prevent the stitching from unraveling, you can make a tack by stitching back 2 cm, or you can pull all the threads to one side and tie a knot.

How to shorten jeans

How to shorten jeans

At a distance of 2 mm from the first line, you can give a second line and steam the trousers. As you can see, nothing complicated.

How to shorten jeans
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