How to clean cupronickel spoons

Cutlery made of cupronickel, as well as silver, is found in almost every home. So I, while cleaning out my parents’ closets, came across a small box with teaspoons made of cupronickel with gold plating. But after lying unnecessarily for thirty years, they acquired a very deplorable appearance.

Cupronickel spoons

In search of information on how to clean cupronickel spoons, I looked through a lot of different sites and found many fairly simple ways to eliminate this terrible coating on spoons. In practice, I decided to try several cleaning options using simple home remedies as an experiment.

simple home remedies

To begin with, I tried to simply wash the spoons using my usual dishwashing detergent, but this, of course, had no effect on the plaque.

no effect

So we'll experiment.
1 way. Cover the bottom of a stainless (or enamel) container with foil and place spoons. Pour in 60 g of soda ash and 40 g of salt.

stack the spoons

Fill with hot water so that the objects are completely covered with it.Place the container on the stove and boil for 15 minutes over low heat (so that the signs of boiling are barely noticeable). The spoons begin to lighten right before our eyes.

Fill with hot water

We rinse them with clean water to remove traces of soda and salt, and wipe them dry with a soft cloth. There was no trace left of the black spots.

are starting to get lighter

This cleaning method is not recommended if nickel silver items have gold plating. But I still took the risk. The gilding has become somewhat lighter, but this is not a problem.

Method 2. Apply a little toothpaste to a cotton pad (you can also use powder) and rub the nickel silver spoon, of course, with a little effort. And the spoons sparkled again with their original shine. What an effect!

sparkled with their pristine brilliance

3 way. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan, put it on fire, throw in the crushed shells of two eggs (raw) and 30 g of salt.

put on fire

As soon as the water boils, we place cupronickel spoons in it, boil for literally two minutes, and... all efforts were in vain. The spoons have not changed at all.

The spoons have not changed at all

Method 4 is intended specifically for nickel silver with gilding. Wet a ball of cotton wool with apple cider vinegar (you can also use egg white, turpentine or wine vinegar) and rub the spoon with it thoroughly. Alas! Again no positive result. I even tried to soak the spoon in a pure vinegar solution for several minutes, but to no avail.

in pure vinegar solution

5 way. Grate the peeled potato tuber on a fine grater and dip cupronickel spoons into the pulp.

cupronickel spoons

Perhaps this cleaning method is the safest, since there is no need to rub or boil, much less use chemicals. Only natural ingredients. True, there is no sense in it either. All the blackness remained in place.

cupronickel spoons

Here are 5 ways I've tried to clean cupronickel silver cutlery. What I liked most was the option using toothpaste. It was with this that I cleaned all the spoons that took part (to no avail) in other experiments. The paste instantly removes all the blackness.

cupronickel spoons

But this is not all the ways to clean cupronickel items. I’ll just mention the rest in passing, in case they come in handy for someone.

To clean cupronickel spoons with minor stains in the form of streaks and darkening, you can also use such available products as:
• ammonia, if you dilute it in warm water and simply wash the devices with this solution, then rinse in clean water and wipe dry;
• chalk, if you crush it to flour and sprinkle it on a suede cloth, wipe objects with it;
• vodka or alcohol, if you rub cupronickel silverware with a soft cloth moistened with it;
• water remaining after boiling eggs or potatoes - you just need to wash the items with it or soak it overnight;
• special products used for cleaning jewelry.

Now about what you should never do when trying to clean nickel silver objects. So, you cannot use any products containing chlorine - this has a bad effect on cupronickel;
Use abrasive substances and rub nickel silver products with rough, hard sponges - this will damage the integrity of the coating;
These items should be washed in the dishwasher.

And in conclusion, a few words about how to properly “maintain” and store items made of cupronickel, so that later you do not have to make efforts to restore their former sparkling appearance. To do this, you just need to follow a few rules:
• it is advisable to store cupronickel cutlery separately from all others in a box;
• after using the devices, you must immediately wash them with detergent, then dip them in a soda solution;
• any method of washing or cleaning cupronickel items should be completed by wiping them dry with a soft cloth;
• after finishing the washing procedure, ideally dry forks, spoons, knives made of nickel silver must first be wrapped in paper (the wrapper will absorb excess moisture), then wrapped in cling film (to prevent air penetration), and for added security, also packed in foil.

If you handle cupronickel items correctly, you will not need to make any effort to bring them into proper shape. All in our hands.

Buy good quality cupronickel cutlery at the best prices from a trusted seller .

cupronickel spoons

Let your cupronickel cutlery always sparkle and delight the eye with its beauty!
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Comments (1)
  1. Tatiana.
    #1 Tatiana. Guests 12 February 2017 15:22
    Cleaning with cupronickel toothpaste is just a godsend, it’s fast, you don’t need much paste and instantly everything shines. Thank you very much for such effective advice, good luck and health to you!!!!