Educational games and activities for a 2-3 year old child

At the age of 2 to 3 years, the child begins to actively explore the world around him. What happens around him is very important to him. The baby will copy and repeat any actions or words of the parents, playing with toys, and often using objects from the adult world. Therefore, it is at this age that you need to help the baby form his inner world and teach the baby how to properly handle various objects and even help his parents. Of course, the best material for learning is toys, but the baby himself may not be able to cope yet, so in games he needs reliable helpers - these are parents and older brothers and sisters.

What games are recommended to play with a 2-3 year old child?
For the harmonious development of all cognitive processes in a child, as well as skills and abilities, it is necessary to provide him with a variety of games and toys. Logic, memory, thinking, fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as knowledge about colors, shapes and figures - this is all that needs to be helped to learn and develop for the baby.

Water coloring books and games about flowers.
Why water coloring books?They will help expand the child’s horizons, introduce him to primary colors, and they are also very convenient and are the most suitable coloring book for this age. Coloring pages can be found on any topic. Animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, any household items.

Games about shapes and sizes.
These games will introduce your child to basic geometric shapes. It will also teach you to distinguish objects by size. They will also help consolidate knowledge about colors, since, as a rule, all figures are made of different colors.

Games for the development of logical thinking.
The main thing here is to choose games according to age. Examples of games: puzzles, find a pair, find the shadow of a figure, who lives where, whose children are where.

Games for speech development.
You can use cards with letters and words. Also pictures depicting objects, animals, actions. You need to ask the child to name the object, and also describe and tell in detail what is shown in the picture. Learn little poems or nursery rhymes. Children's books by age: “Kolobok”, “Turnip” - these are those fairy tales that children by the age of 3 should recite by heart.

Games with numbers.
A child at this age should know the numbers one and two, but if the material is easily digestible, more is possible. You need to teach your baby to distinguish where and how many objects are located. Ask to set aside the required amount, for example cubes. To do this, you need to place two boxes in front of you, from which it is easy to take items out.

Games that introduce you to the world around you.
Such games are “Where, whose house”, “Who makes the sound”, “Where, whose mother”. You can find about sounds on the Internet. And games in which you need to select and study pictures are best purchased in a store so as not to damage your eyes.

Games with objects.
These can be any not too large objects.The child’s task will be to sort them according to common characteristics. For example, color or shape. Or which item is extra.
Many of these games can be combined into one more complex one. Unless, of course, the child has already mastered them separately. It is very important to remember that you had to teach your child a lot.

What children from 2 to 3 years old should be able to do.
In order to assess how correctly a child is developing, you need to know what he should be able to do at the age of 2-3 years:
• Fulfill complex requests that consist of 2-3 actions. For example: go to the closet, open the door, take a jacket and close the door.
• Be able to speak simple phrases and understand parents.
• It is advisable to be able to undress and dress yourself. This is easy to teach by showing it a few times.
• Use the potty independently and wash your hands.
• Cut paper with scissors. This is not dangerous.
• Build simple buildings from cubes or construction sets;
• Assemble a pyramid from 8 parts;
• Assemble a logic cube by matching the parts correctly to the holes.

The main thing is not to rush the child. If he doesn't understand what you want from him, come up with an easier task. And then add one more point. Don't forget that many things are new to the child.
Help your child in everything, and be sure to show patience, because he may not always succeed in everything the first time.

Educational games and activities with your child

Educational games and activities with your child

Educational games and activities with your child

Educational games and activities with your child

Educational games and activities with your child

Educational games and activities with your child

Educational games and activities with your child
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