Useful and interesting. Page 65

Master classes:

How to make a solar water heater

An excellent homemade product for a summer house, which on a good summer day will provide you with hot water, heated by absolutely free solar energy. Hot water can be useful for washing dishes, hands and for other needs. solar water heater

Effective DIY mosquito repellent

Buying mosquito repellent and midge repellent is not difficult at all these days. In any associated pharmacy there is a huge and varied number of them. But sometimes it happens that this very remedy ends unexpectedly at the right moment or

Secrets of regular roulette

A regular tape measure can do much more than taking measurements using a retractable tape. The hidden abilities of the well-known instrument will be discussed in this article. Let's start with the simplest things.

How to restore a screwdriver battery

I think that everyone is already familiar with this problem, when one fine day you take your screwdriver, turn it on, and it doesn’t work. Next, the first thing you do is try to charge it, assuming that the batteries are simply dead. But not

The three most reliable ways to connect wires in a junction box

More and more powerful electrical appliances are appearing in our homes: coffee makers, kettles, air conditioners, boilers, etc. All this significantly increases the load on the home power supply network. The first thing that reacts to an increase in circuit current is

Emergency door opening: drill the lock insert

This is the most common method of opening doors with mortise locks with inserts if you have lost the key. This method is used by special organizations providing relevant services. Emergency services usually immediately knock down the door, since

The knives are sharp, but the meat grinder doesn't cut? We carry out repairs

All owners of manual meat grinders, if they have not already encountered it, will definitely encounter a similar problem when the meat grinder has sharpened or new knives, but it does not chop or cut the meat, but instead chews it. Such a defect as you possibly can

How to unscrew a broken stud using an extractor

There are quite a few ways to remove a piece of a broken pin or bolt. But this method can be called traditional or classical. Here you will not need any initiative or ingenuity, but all you need to do is simply carry out a certain, long-standing

How to drill a washer straight

Those who were engaged in plumbing, various repairs of cars and motorcycles, probably found themselves in a similar situation when they had to drill out a washer exactly to the required diameter. It would seem, take it and drill it out, what’s the problem? But not everything is like that

Drilling a stainless steel pan

If you have ever encountered drilling stainless steel, then you know very well that it is quite problematic to drill through this metal just like that. It is necessary to have certain knowledge and experience, because unlike ordinary steel,

How to restore a UPS battery

If your uninterruptible power supply for your computer after several years has ceased to support the load after a power outage, then most likely its battery has failed. This is the most common failure

Nippers from broken pliers

Surely in your garage, if you search hard, you can find broken pliers that are high time to throw away. This master class is precisely about the fact that you don’t need to do this, but you need to turn an unnecessary thing into a very useful tool,

How to get a key piece out of a lock

There are many times in life when failure takes you by surprise. And basically, a person is not ready for it. For example, it just so happened that the key in the lock broke off and a piece remained inside the lock cylinder. What to do? Well, of course, if the piece sticks out

Simple rack for garden tools

An incredibly simple rack that can be made in a short amount of time will help you bring order to your shed or garage. Mounted on the wall, all your rakes, shovels, hoes and similar tools will be clearly stored without getting in the way

How to instantly clean a soldering iron tip

After I learned this method of incredibly quickly cleaning a soldering iron tip from carbon deposits, the question immediately appeared in my head: “Was it possible to do this?” Before that, like most radio amateurs, I took sandpaper and manually cleaned off the carbon deposits from

The most effective way to remove a broken stud

A broken stud is one of the common defects that a car enthusiast may encounter. Studs are used in many parts of the car. But if you don’t have a car, this does not mean that you will never get into this situation, because it will break down

How to find your favorite song on the Internet

How to recognize a musical composition heard on the radio, included in a selection of unlisted tracks on YouTube, heard in films or videos, in order to add this composition to your playlist? How to find out what songs are stored on your computer

Cutting attachment for screwdriver

If your grinder cutting disc breaks, you shouldn’t throw it away right away. I'll show you how you can make a cutting attachment for a drill or screwdriver out of it. With which you can easily cut plastic or thin metal. Eg,

How to cut threads on a pipe

I will show you how easy it is to cut a thread on a water pipe for an ordinary home craftsman, without any skills in this matter and with a minimal set of tools. For example, when replacing a central heating battery, as in my case. This is not the case

How to etch a broken tap

When cutting threads in duralumin or aluminum, a mishap may occur and your tap will break, leaving a piece of debris inside the hole. Drilling tool steel out of duralumin-aluminum is incredibly difficult and means that the entire hole will be broken.

How to make a drill from a nail

I'll show you how to make a simple drill from an ordinary nail, with which you can drill steel, wood, plastic, etc. Yes, you read everything correctly, with this drill you can drill thick steel of about 5 mm. Ingenuity is always a good thing

The most reliable connection of wires without a soldering iron

If you need to make a critical connection of wires, but you don’t have a soldering iron at hand, or there is no way to power it, then this little trick will come in handy. After all, chance doesn’t choose when to take you by surprise and you need to be prepared

An easy trick to find a place for the lids of dishes

This is the fastest and easiest way to organize your cabinet where pots and pans are stored. Typically, most housewives have a set of three pans. If you store them individually, it takes up an incredibly large amount of space, but if you store them

We weld aluminum without argon

Hello friends! I will show you how to weld aluminum without argon, using a regular inverter. The entire process will be completely identical to the electric arc welding styles, with the exception of one small change. With this method you can easily