How to drill a washer straight

Those who were engaged in plumbing, various repairs of cars and motorcycles, probably found themselves in a similar situation when they had to drill out a washer exactly to the required diameter. It would seem, take it and drill it out, what’s the problem? But not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance.

If the washer is narrow or made of thin metal, then it will simply not be possible to hold it or clamp it somewhere.

If you hold it in a vice, it will most likely become wrinkled. And if you hold it, say, with pliers, then the hole will not be even, since the washer will jump around when drilling.

Drill out the washer evenly with your own hands

I will be using a tabletop drill press. Everything needs to be done on a wooden board. Without starting the rotation, lower the drill close to the washer, thereby centering it evenly.

Carefully lift the drill without moving the washer. Place a wooden block on top and press it with a clamp. Then we start the machine and drill the block with a sandwich with a washer and a bottom plank.

We remove the block. Pick out the washer, as it was pressed into the tree.

In this simple way, you can bore the washer evenly and accurately without any extra effort.

If necessary, you can grind off unevenness and burrs with a file.

How to bore a washer with a regular drill?

We take a drill with which we will bore the washer. We drill a through hole in the block in advance. Then place the washer on a wooden surface. We place a block on top, adjusting the holes in the block and in the washer by eye. Clamp with clamps.

How to drill a washer straight

We drill with a regular drill or screwdriver.

Such tricks are very helpful in life, especially for those who know them.

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Comments (11)
  1. Anton
    #1 Anton Guests 10 July 2018 10:56
    It is foolish to drill the washer, since it is much easier to stretch it, for example, by expanding it with a core.
    1. Guest Nikolay
      #2 Guest Nikolay Guests 10 July 2018 19:51
      And it will become conical, and when you try to level it, the internal hole will narrow.
    2. Max
      #3 Max Guests July 11, 2018 01:34
      With a core... This is if you have a small washer and have a core. But most of them have iron dowels and many different drills instead of cores, and more often it is the large washers that need to be expanded.
  2. Guest Andrey
    #4 Guest Andrey Guests 17 July 2018 20:35
    There's something about it. But the collective farm!
  3. Boris
    #5 Boris Guests July 19, 2018 06:21
    You DRILLED the washer and SAWED it with a file. The turner sharpens it!
    1. guest
      #6 guest Guests 21 July 2018 15:40
      sawed with a saw, and filed with a file
  4. Dmitriy
    #7 Dmitriy Guests July 20, 2018 04:58
    I drill out the washer after securing it to the board with three screws.
  5. Guest Mikhail
    #8 Guest Mikhail Guests 25 July 2018 14:28
    The easiest way to drill is with a step drill
  6. Alexander Nikolaevich
    #9 Alexander Nikolaevich Guests 27 July 2018 13:01
    Advice on the matter. A trifle, but useful! And the comments are empty chatter!
    1. Georgiy
      #10 Georgiy Guests 5 August 2018 13:23
      Myanagers comment if they were silent, it would be better if they seemed smarter....
  7. Guest Vlad
    #11 Guest Vlad Guests 29 March 2019 16:25
    just at the thought that you need to drill out the puck, the adrenaline in the blood rises, oh, and this is a hemorrhagic thing)))