Grouting joints between tiles

Grouting joints between tiles

Ceramic tiles are a material with excellent moisture-resistant properties. Therefore, it is actively used when renovating bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms with high air humidity. But we must take into account that tile cladding always has many seams. They must also be protected from moisture. How to do it? There is a special grouting technology for this.

Preparation for the main work

Before grouting, the work surface should be prepared. Preparation involves removing excess tile adhesive and removing the dividers that the master used to align the rows. The front surface of the tile must be cleaned of dirt using a dampened and well-wrung out sponge. The grouting itself begins after the washed cladding has dried completely.
Grouting joints between tiles

Applying grout to tile joints

Grouting joints between tiles

When purchasing grout, the owner must choose the shade especially carefully. The lighter it is, the narrower the seams will appear. But at the same time, light grout accumulates dirt much more intensively and is more difficult to wash. You can prepare the grout using the instructions provided on the package with this composition.
Grouting joints between tiles

Immediately after preparation, the seams are treated with a solution until it dries.
Grouting joints between tiles

It is better to use a rubber spatula for this. They first apply the grout to the seam, then compact it. You need to fill the gaps “all the way”. Cavities cannot be left. Once the seams are filled, all that remains is to level the putty. To do this, use either a sponge or a specially designed trowel.
Grouting joints between tiles

Grouting joints between tiles

Just don't smooth the grout with your finger. At least if you have to work without gloves. Otherwise, you may get burned, since some types of grout are very aggressive.

Completion of repair activities

Grouting joints between tiles

The grout will gain strength in about a day.
Grouting joints between tiles

After this, the surface must be washed from dirt and residues of the composition that have fallen on the front surface of the tile. This can be done with a wet cloth. Immediately after washing, the tiles are additionally wiped with a dry soft sponge so that no wet marks remain on it.
Grouting joints between tiles

The procedure described is actually quite simple. The owner will certainly be able to carry it out competently on his own. Full sealing of the seams is a guarantee that mold will not appear under the tile cladding. In addition, due to the correctly selected grout, it will be possible to significantly improve the aesthetic capabilities of the finish.
Grouting joints between tiles
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