Scrapbooking. Page 2

Master classes on scrapbooking:

Men's gift boxes for February 23

The last month of winter has already arrived, February, which brings us another serious and last winter holiday, this is a men's holiday called February 23. This holiday is quite serious and responsible, since in fact it is

DIY men's banknote holder

Among the common and quite necessary and valuable gifts is a man's banknote. It represents a kind of box so that you can accumulate your savings in it. Every man should have such a banknote box.

Coffee card-chocolate holder

There are quite a few people among us who are true connoisseurs and true gourmets of coffee. Many people cannot even imagine the morning without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. For them, the day is not considered to begin without their favorite drink. Eat

Folding birthday card

Scrapbooking is an amazing technique that allows us to create incredible masterpieces for absolutely any occasion. For example, you are going to a colleague or friend’s birthday party and decided to give money. As they say, money is money,

Beautiful cover for a culinary notebook

Any housewife probably has a notebook in which she writes down her favorite recipes for every day, as well as her grandmother’s most delicious recipes. And many even keep these same grandmother’s notebooks, for sure they used to be

Folding valentines

Winter brought us not only amazing and magical New Year holidays, but also gave us such a romantic and tender holiday as Valentine's Day. We started celebrating this holiday more than 25 years ago, and now we

Gift certificates for men

More and more often we are now thinking about choosing gifts for men. Whatever holiday you take to congratulate a man, be it a birthday, New Year, Defender's Day or a professional holiday, and a whole big problem arises: “What to give?”

Children's gift envelopes for money or gift certificates

We know quite well that, regardless of age, every child enjoys toys on his name day, New Year and other holidays, but there are still exceptions that many adults are at a loss and don’t know what to give a specific child on their birthday.

New Year cards made from kraft paper

Our leap year 2016 is coming to an end, and the Year of the Cockerel, 2017, is soon ahead of us. A sea of ​​emotions, positivity, gifts, New Year's miracles, a beautiful visiting Christmas tree, all this awaits us with the arrival of the New Year holidays. New Year,

Bright handmade New Year cards

Behind us are the joys and fears, good luck and bad luck, various positive and negative events of 2016, and the New Year 2017 is ahead of us very soon. According to the eastern calendar, it promises us the arrival of such an animal as the ringing and early Rooster. If

Unusually shaped cards for men

Oh, and it’s not an easy task for women when they are going to congratulate men on the holiday. And it doesn’t even matter what holiday it is, and how you have to prepare for it, the result remains the same, it’s hard to decide on a gift. After all, you always want

Men's greeting box

You always want to congratulate your beloved man in some special way, so that he is satisfied with your gift and so that it really brings true joy and great pleasure to your beloved and only man. Now literally everything

Children's book of wishes for a girl

Every mother dreams that her little princess’s first birthday will be unforgettable, that each guest will leave his wish in a special book, so that after many years the parents and the birthday girl can take this book and read

Envelopes-cards for birthday

There are quite a few ways to not only congratulate a person on his birthday, but also to really surprise and delight him. So that this holiday, his birthday, is not just like another tick and a year is added to his life,

Box for wedding glasses

The most long-awaited, important, romantic and responsible day in the life of every young couple is the celebration of their marriage. A wedding is generally considered a celebration once and for a lifetime. Therefore, accordingly, everything should go not just beautifully,

Album-book of wedding wishes

On a special wedding day, a lot of interesting things always happen for both the newlyweds and all the guests. A sea of ​​flowers, gifts, emotions, congratulations and impressions on this day. Accordingly, in order to remember everything down to the smallest detail and capture it on

Folder for marriage certificate

A long-awaited and very important event in the life of every couple is, of course, their wedding. Basically, preparation for a wedding lasts several months, so there is time to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to miss anything. The wedding must

A box for photos and mementos of your baby

Surely every mother has the most pleasant and incredible feelings and memories when she gives birth to a daughter. This moment is always very exciting and you want to literally capture every second. Therefore, they try to photograph or film

Folder for children's documents for girls

Like any citizen of any country, at birth, every girl in the first weeks of her life receives the first and most important document, her birth certificate. No matter what happens in life, and no matter how fate turns in the future, this

Box "Mom and Dad's Treasures"

The greatest and long-awaited happiness in every family is the birth of a baby. Starting from conception to childbirth, the baby is alone with his mother every second and moment. Carrying a baby under your heart is the most

Album with a mouse Mini Mouse for a little girl

Any mother dreams that from the very birth her little daughter had everything, all the best. Clothes, toys, decorations, room decoration, everything down to the smallest detail must be carefully thought out so that the eye is delighted. My daughter is growing up

Folding purple card "Happy Wedding Day"

The fashionable wedding color of 2016, probably, as many already know, has become lilac-violet. It seems both rich and very delicate at the same time. It follows that if this is a fashionable color of 2016, then, therefore, a lot

Box - photo box

Now we have a master class in front of us, in which we will learn how to make a practical, soft box for children's photographs. We take the following for the master class: • Thick cardboard: two rectangles 16.5*11.5 cm and one 16.5*5.5 cm; • Sintepon; •

Album for a girl for the first year of life

Every mother dreams that her daughter will have all the best from the first year, therefore, when she is just born into the world, she tries to ensure that she has the most beautiful vests, the most beautiful diapers, the brightest rattles and everything to have