How to make a solar water heater

How to make a solar water heater

An excellent homemade product for a summer house, which on a good summer day will provide you with hot water, heated by absolutely free solar energy. Hot water can be useful for washing dishes, hands and for other needs. A solar water heater is easy to manufacture, does not require the strict use of certain materials, everything can be replaced if desired or lacking.
How to make a solar water heater

Making a Solar Water Heater

As we describe the manufacture, I will offer alternative options for replacing materials, since you may not be able to find some of them.
So, let's start with the fact that you need to cut a square out of thick plywood of any brand, be it chipboard, fibreboard, OSB, etc.
How to make a solar water heater

The side size of the square is approximately 60 cm.
How to make a solar water heater

Next, from a thin sheet of stainless steel, cut out a square equal to a square of plywood. This will be a solar energy reflector.
How to make a solar water heater

If you don’t have thin stainless steel, take regular aluminum foil and cover a square of plywood with it.
I take a sheet of stainless steel and place it on top of a square of plywood. I put wooden slats around the perimeter and secure it all with small nails.
How to make a solar water heater

Now I need a copper tube 5-6 m long. The thinner its walls, the better. The metal of the tube can also be aluminum. We roll it up in one layer, but so that the dimensions of the rolling circle do not exceed the dimensions of the plywood square.
How to make a solar water heater

We paint the tube with aerosol paint from a black can. First one side, then when dry, the other.
How to make a solar water heater

From a U-shaped aluminum profile we make a body-contour around the perimeter of the square.
How to make a solar water heater

Drill a hole in the center. We also nail four limiters from the rail for the copper coil.
How to make a solar water heater

We install a copper coil. At the beginning of the curl we put a silicone tube. And we pass it through the hole in the center.
How to make a solar water heater

The other end of the copper tube comes out from the side.
We cut the glass to the size of the plywood square. Here it is better to use plexiglass or plexiglass, as they transmit infrared rays well.
How to make a solar water heater

The solar panel is almost ready.
How to make a solar water heater

We make a stand from a square steel profile.
How to make a solar water heater

A rectangle with a soldered rectangle on top.
How to make a solar water heater

We weld semicircular rods that will hold the water bottle.
How to make a solar water heater

Now take a 20 liter bottle. We make a hole in the lid for the tap.
How to make a solar water heater

We place the tap on the sealant.
How to make a solar water heater

Place the bottle on the stand.
How to make a solar water heater

We also glue the neck of an unnecessary bottle onto the sealant on top so that you can easily add water to the tank.
How to make a solar water heater

We glue the tube on the side.
How to make a solar water heater

And glue the tube from below. This should be done for better circulation.
How to make a solar water heater

Install the solar panel at an angle.
How to make a solar water heater

We connect the side tube of the solar collector to the side tube of the bottle.
How to make a solar water heater

And the central one from the collector - to the bottom of the bottle.
How to make a solar water heater

The solar powered water heater is ready. Pour water.
How to make a solar water heater

And we wait for the sun to heat the water. Everything happens autonomously.
How to make a solar water heater

How to make a solar water heater

How to make a solar water heater

After a couple of hours, drain for testing.
How to make a solar water heater

The thermometer went off scale at 50 degrees.The water heated up to somewhere around 75-80 degrees Celsius.
How to make a solar water heater

The result is excellent.
How to make a solar water heater

Water circulates in the system itself: cold water is taken from the bottom of the bottle, passes through copper curls and flows back into the bottle.
This is a great demonstration of the use of free solar energy.

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Comments (8)
  1. Victor
    #1 Victor Guests 18 July 2018 20:00
    The bottle should be installed with an inclination towards the neck, or better yet, with the neck down. In the proposed design, half of the water will always remain in the bottle.
  2. Peter
    #2 Peter Guests 18 July 2018 21:39
    I have to come up with something like this!...
  3. Guest ALEX
    #3 Guest ALEX Guests 19 July 2018 12:27
    I don’t understand why make a mirror surface if it only reflects sunlight, so most of the energy is reflected into space instead of heating the water. It’s better to make the entire surface black, and also paint the water bottle black, then the water will heat up even faster and stronger. It’s even better not to do bullshit and buy a flat black plastic tank, 100-200 liters, and put it on the roof, and if you build a heating element into the tank, you’ll have hot water even at night and in rainy weather.
    1. gvsp
      #4 gvsp Guests 20 July 2018 13:34
      I agree that instead of stainless steel there should be ferrous metal. Only behind it you need a layer of insulation. But regarding the fact that the black tank will also heat up, then no. Solar water heaters really make it possible to get the temperature almost to boiling. But a plastic tank does not transfer heat well to water, but mainly heats the outside air.
    2. Guest Gennady
      #5 Guest Gennady Guests 1 August 2018 15:57
      Water in a plastic container does not heat up, but it was a waste of time to buy it. I welded a flat tank of 200 liters from stainless steel. I threw away the plastic containers. Now 5 people wash themselves every day. On a cloudless day it gets so hot that you have to dilute it with cold, it burns. (Moscow region).
  4. Petrovich
    #6 Petrovich Guests 25 July 2018 23:41
    How much will 5-6m of copper or aluminum tube cost? Isn't it easier to take a heat exchanger from a non-working refrigerator?
  5. Astemir
    #7 Astemir Guests 26 July 2018 20:08
    If you put a pan in the yard under the sun, it will also be hot in a couple of hours. this will give you credit for invention)))
  6. Soldering iron
    #8 Soldering iron Guests 1 March 2019 18:00
    I want to say, it was invented a long time ago, the main thing is sunny weather.