Useful and interesting. Page 64

Master classes:

How to make a night vision device

Hi all! This is the composition lying on my table. And what do you think is all this for? Yes, yes, I decided to assemble a night vision device. Let's say, to watch owls at night. I find this very interesting.

The simplest device for sharpening knives at 30 degrees

I continue to sharpen the knife. I have already shown my homemade device for making descents (tapering surfaces of the blade). At the same time, I made a polishing disk, sewing several disks together so that they would not diverge. The next task was to sharpen

How to eliminate chuck runout in a screwdriver

Sometimes there is a problem with the chuck beating in a screwdriver or drill. The tool was given as a gift or it was purchased a long time ago, the defect was not noticed in time, there is no receipt and it is impossible to make a claim. But working with such a screwdriver is very difficult or impossible. I

Device for laying blocks

A homemade device was invented to simplify the laying of cinder blocks.In the absence of experience, it is quite difficult to maintain a seam line of the same thickness. Therefore, we constantly had to remove cinder blocks, throw up or level the layer of mortar. WITH

How to quickly make a self-locking nut

A self-locking nut is a very useful thing, especially when you need to fix a component or assembly that is subject to dynamic loads. A simple connection under the influence of vibration will quickly weaken and begin to unscrew, which can lead to

How to choose a search magnet and what to do with it?

Search magnets have become a very popular topic today. This kind of “fishing” attracts not only boys and scrap metal seekers, but also quite respectable and wealthy people. Why is this happening? There is a boy in every man, but the traditional

How to unscrew the base of a broken lamp from the socket

Sometimes something as bad as breaking a light bulb happens. For many people, removing the base from the socket is a real headache.

How to solder aluminum

Aluminum is a very attractive metal for constructing your own homemade structures: it is lightweight, perfectly processed, drilled, sawed, does not rust, etc. But here’s the problem: welding two pieces of aluminum without a special argon

Heat exchanger for furnace

The heat exchanger is installed on the chimney of any stove and increases its output and efficiency by more than 2.5 times. This significantly increases fuel economy and reduces warm-up time. The essence of the work is simple: through the stove chimney, in addition to smoke,

Foam varnish for painting concrete floors

Due to numerous requests in the comments to my videos, today I will try to make a composition of polystyrene foam and solvents for application to concrete. I would like to see how it will behave, because car owners are interested in cheap varnish for

Doorbell from an old mobile phone

Old push-button mobile phones are long outdated and almost out of use. However, there are many ways to give such a phone a second “life” rather than sending it to scrap or a landfill. One of these ways is to put this miracle of the 90s into

How to remove a magnet without breaking it

I'll try to remove the magnet from the speaker. Speaker with a diameter of 350 mm, released in 1980 in Novosibirsk. The magnet must be powerful enough. I need magnets to place small tools on it. The magnet is attached to the wall and the tool will always be

Treatment of dead pixels

You bought a monitor, TV or laptop and one or more dead pixels appeared on the screen, then before the warranty expires, you can try contacting a service center to have your device repaired. If enough time has passed since the purchase,

Care and sharpening of clipper blades

Despite the large and varied number of names and models, hair clippers, for the most part, have the same basic parts and details. They (the machines) may differ in shape, color, weight, but the working part is assembled and

Unusual use of plastic bottles in the countryside

In the eyes of a zealous owner, plastic bottles are an invaluable material that can be used infinitely in the garden or at the dacha. They will save the family budget and add aesthetic appeal to the site. Enough to attach

How to clear a clogged sink at home?

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has encountered the problem of a blockage in a sewer pipe. Untimely preventive measures and human inattention lead to unpleasant consequences, the elimination of which may require

How to make charcoal with your own hands

Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we’ll talk about making charcoal at a minimum cost. You will need: firewood, a small plot of land, a shovel, a metal lid with a diameter of about 50 cm.

DIY electric meat grinder in 5 minutes

Hello dear readers. Do not buy an electric meat grinder until you read this article to the end. Its essence is to combine a screwdriver and an ordinary meat grinder, the result is a unique, portable miracle.

How to remove a greasy stain from clothes while on vacation at sea

At home, not only walls help, but also a washing machine, soap, brushes, sponges, powders, and chemical degreasers. However, sometimes troubles with clothes happen when a person is separated from the usual household goods by many kilometers. For example, being on

How to make a duplicate key in 15 minutes

Sometimes it is simply catastrophically necessary to make a spare key just in case of a fire. It is not possible to simply make a copy of the original; this will require specialized equipment. But what if you need a copy for a one-time use?

Super strong bond in a second

It's no secret that instant glue + soda is a reliable and durable bonding of surfaces. It doesn’t matter which ones, not necessarily even homogeneous ones. Plastics + iron, plastics + glass, iron + glass... I can go on and on!

Selection of a working capacitor for a three-phase electric motor

To answer the question of how to choose a capacitor for asynchronous motors and how capacitors differ from each other, we will assemble a stand from a conventional three-phase motor with a power of 250 W. As a load we use a standard generator from

Carbon filter for plastic bottle

While fishing, hiking or outdoor recreation, it may happen that drinking water becomes unusable. Either it’s over or it’s spilled – it doesn’t matter. In general, you can get water from the nearest body of water, boil it, wait until it cools down and calmly

How to quickly clean battery terminals

There are cases when the battery terminals become covered with a white or greenish coating. This is the oxidation of metals, it is also called electrochemical corrosion. At first it does not manifest itself in any way, except for its unaesthetic appearance, but in the end