How to remove a magnet without breaking it

How to remove a magnet without breaking it

I'll try to remove the magnet from the speaker. Speaker with a diameter of 350 mm, released in 1980 in Novosibirsk. The magnet must be powerful enough.
I need magnets to place small tools on it. The magnet is attached to the wall and the tool will always be in sight.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

I only advise you to place magnets away from vices and other places where a lot of metal dust and shavings are generated when working with an angle grinder. Dust will be attracted to the magnets.
I once heard that a magnet can be peeled off from its base—a metal plate—by heating. Heating the surface softens the glue and the magnet is released. If you try to knock out the magnet, parts of it may remain on the plate. Therefore, this method is undesirable.

Removing the magnet from the dynamic head

I unscrew the fasteners and remove the aluminum cover.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

There is a copper blank at the bottom of the structure. It can be seen that they have already tried to unscrew the magnet - the edges on the bolts that hold the bottom plate are torn off.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

I turn the speaker over and start using a torch to heat the surface of the top metal plate.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

Important! When heated, the magnet may lose its properties, so the temperature must be adjusted.
Using circular movements of the burner, I heat the surface of the plate. I periodically touch it with my hand to check the temperature. After heating, I begin to beat off the metal plate with a chisel and hammer.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

You must work carefully because the surface is hot. After several blows, the plate begins to come off, and there is a smell of glue in the room.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

The edges of the copper ingot are in the way. You have to hit it several times with a hammer. After which the magnet with the top plate leaves the installation site. The plate comes off easily and I have almost a whole magnet left in my hands.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

The method turned out to work quite well. The metal must be heated to 70 degrees for it to start burning your hand. The glue becomes soft and the metal plate can be separated. After this, warm it up a little more and you can start working with a chisel.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

How to remove a magnet without breaking it

There is no other way to remove the magnet without damaging it. The magnet will either crack or partially remain on the flange-shaped metal plate.
From the plate I will make a faceplate for the lathe. To do this, the plate must be sharpened. The part is mounted to the faceplate and clamped with a bolt, and the faceplate is inserted into the lathe chuck.
How to remove a magnet without breaking it

Previously, I had already obtained magnets with a diameter of 120 mm from car speakers. The diameter of this magnet is 135 mm. It is strong enough to attach a variety of tools to it, including a metal hammer. The item in the workshop is very useful.
Tip: it is better to secure the magnet on the wall so that it does not fall from the weight of the tools.

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Comments (14)
  1. Guest Andrey
    #1 Guest Andrey Guests 15 August 2018 14:47
    There is such a way - boil it in water for about 15 minutes. You won’t overheat the magnet and it will be intact. :)
    1. calle
      #2 calle Guests 16 August 2018 21:00
      Of course it's better to warm up. Better temperature control. And not everyone has a burner.
  2. Guest Sergey
    #3 Guest Sergey Guests August 16, 2018 00:31
    The chisel is from a master, that one)) is dangerous, the handle has burst and no amount of rings will help.
  3. Dmitriy
    #4 Dmitriy Guests 16 August 2018 19:59
    You simply drive a knife blade between the magnet and the core plate. There is no need to heat anything.
  4. Guest Igor
    #5 Guest Igor Guests 16 August 2018 21:17
    Is it good to add additional magnetic fields to your apartment? And so we live in a sea of ​​radio waves of various ranges, under cell towers, entangled in 50-Hz wires.
    1. Daniel
      #6 Daniel Guests August 21, 2018 02:18
      It’s okay, a foil hat protects well from radiation
  5. yitsukeng
    #7 yitsukeng Guests 17 August 2018 07:46
    and instead of a round blotch, you need to glue a rectangular metal strip - then more tools can be magnetized
  6. Radio technician
    #8 Radio technician Guests 17 August 2018 21:33
    Using a microscope, you hammer nails into hominoids, using them to store your cheap “tool, as it were”
  7. Calle
    #9 Calle Guests 18 August 2018 19:12
    Site administration, who shortened the first sentence in my comment?
    Of course it is better to warm in water.
  8. Guest Andrey
    #10 Guest Andrey Guests August 21, 2018 04:18
    There are too many tools; a hammer and a birch shelf were enough for me.
  9. Sergey33
    #11 Sergey33 Guests 10 September 2018 12:09
    I thought they were trying to create something worthwhile. Go buy a neodymium magnet assortment and be healthy.
    It’s better to give the speaker to people who repair or upgrade speakers
  10. SanSanych
    #12 SanSanych Guests 10 September 2018 21:28
    And if you don’t throw away the cone-shaped frame after all the manipulations, then by connecting two identical ones in narrow places (where the magnet was) and attaching a plywood seat to one of the wide sides, you’ll get a good stool for the kitchen. I made these for all my family, not from speakers, but from cones from an industrial separator from a butter factory.