How to choose a search magnet and what to do with it?

Today search magnets have become a very popular topic. This kind of “fishing” attracts not only boys and scrap metal seekers, but also quite respectable and wealthy people. Why is this happening? There is a boy in every man, but not everyone likes traditional fishing. It happens that the fish is “capricious”, the gear is chosen incorrectly, the place is chosen poorly, and besides, you need to look for worms and prepare bait. And the fish itself... After all, you can buy it in a store. But with a magnet things are completely different. Here your tackle is always the same, but what you can fish out with it is unknown. It is this intrigue that attracts. What if, on the next cast, the magnet takes with it not a rusty nail, but a rare dagger, a metal box with old chervonets, or a pistol from the times of the Great Patriotic War? Agree, this really tickles your nerves.

Search magnets have become widely available and at reasonable prices relatively recently.Modern technologies have made the process of their production cheaper, so today, in order to get a magnet, you don’t need to disassemble the old hard drive, just go to to the store or online.

How to choose a magnet

At the same time, a beginner may have a reasonable question: how to choose a suitable magnet? After all, they differ both in size and in the force of attraction and cost. In reality, choosing the right product is not that difficult.

To begin with, we note that there are two types of magnets - single-sided and double-sided. They are distinguished by the fact that the first has only one working side of the magnet, while the second has two, respectively. Single-sided magnets provide only uniform fastening - the so-called. The eye bolt is screwed only into the center of the plane opposite the working surface. It also happens that a bolt with a hook for attaching a rope is soldered to the body in which the magnet is located. In a double-sided magnet, the bolt can also be screwed into the side part - the “edge”.

Looking ahead, we note that a double-sided magnet has undeniable advantages, which is why it costs more. Due to the nature of the one-sided magnet, it can only be used by lowering it vertically downwards. That is, they can be used from a bridge or a boat (if you are searching in a river or lake). It is also suitable for exploring old wells.

However, if you look at search engine channels on Youtube, you will notice that they usually throw a magnet while standing on the shore. For these cases, a double-sided magnet is needed. The “puck” should fall with its working side to the bottom, after which the magnet is guided along the bottom using a cable. A one-sided magnet will be of little use with this fishing method.

What weight should I choose?

We have already said that magnets come in two types according to their design.But when choosing a search engine, you need to take into account other properties and features. You must clearly understand why you need a magnet and where you will work with it. It is believed that search magnets must have an attractive force of at least 100-200 kg. At first glance it may seem like a lot, but in reality it is not. For example, a magnet that states that the force of attraction corresponds to 100 kg will only be able to hold the specified weight under ideal conditions. He will be able to lift vertically upward a flat metal plate with a smooth and clean surface. But if you slightly change the angle of application of the force, the magnet begins to move off the surface. This means that it will be able to drag barely half of the specified mass along the bottom. Now imagine what happens at the bottom of the river! The metal located there becomes overgrown with silt, sinks into the sand, and gets tangled in algae. So it turns out that you can hardly take out a thing weighing 10 kg on a “hundredth”! Don't forget about the current. When lifted off the bottom, the object immediately begins to vibrate and break off if the current is strong enough. Therefore, to search for various “artifacts” we can recommend magnets in the range of 200-400 kg. They won’t attract unnecessary pieces of hardware, but they can reliably magnetize interesting things.

Making money from scrap metal is a completely different story. There really is so much metal waste in our rivers and lakes that it is quite possible to earn our daily bread from it. In this case, the “search engines” should be more powerful – in the range of 600-800 kg. Such magnets themselves weigh more than a kilogram, but they can easily pull out entire mountains of metal. There are cases when such magnets had to be torn off using machines.But with their help you can catch not only bicycles, but even motorcycles and the remains of cars.

Choice of ammunition

If you decide to start searching, then in addition to the magnet you will definitely need to purchase the appropriate cable. Don't skimp. Magnets are not that expensive, but even losing inexpensive magnet because the rope breaks, it is very unpleasant. Most often, search engines purchase special nylon cables used by climbers. They are protected from abrasion and have a particularly strong middle core, which ensures that the cable will not break at the most inopportune moment. Choose the length of the cable based on your needs. Usually the length of the rope does not exceed 20 meters. It is physically impossible for even a strong man to throw a half-kilogram blank further. Be sure to purchase quality gloves. Cables and finds are very easy to cut and rub your palms. It is also advisable to have a lost and found bag. Finds from the bottom are often corroded by rust, covered with algae and silt, which is why they have an unsightly appearance and emit an unpleasant odor. So it’s inconvenient to put them in a regular bag or backpack.

Pay attention to how the magnet is attached. Study the appropriate instructions on the Internet and select the appropriate unit.

Search Magnet Care

A high-quality magnet does not require special care. It is made of an alloy of neodymium, boron, iron and has a stainless steel coating. It is housed in a high-quality stainless steel case. Therefore, all care magnet - This means wiping it with a dry cloth and cleaning it from small metal particles that stick to it and get clogged into the holes.

The neodymium magnet itself is reliable and durable. Over 10 years, on average, it loses no more than 1% of power.It cannot be hit and, most importantly, it cannot be exposed to high temperatures. If you heat it to 80 degrees, it will completely demagnetize and turn into a useless blank.

Many people like to film their searches. Do not forget that exposure to a magnet can be harmful to any electronics. Not only the camera, but also a mobile phone with a laptop can easily fail. So keep all your gadgets at a safe distance.

Check each time the reliability of the assembly and the integrity of the cable.

What can you catch?

Let's face it, non-ferrous and precious metals are not magnetic! And these are the immutable laws of physics. You can't argue with them. Therefore, catch on magnet Only iron and other alloys are allowed. Usually search engines boast about the keys, locks, nails, coins and other small things they found. Sometimes you can get various antiques: horseshoes, forged items, various tools.

It is quite common to find weapons and ammunition. This is a legacy not only of the 40s, but also of the 90s. It is better to stay away from such finds and return them to the bottom without regret. After all, no one has repealed the article for illegal trafficking in weapons and ammunition. But it’s not worth taking risks, hoping that the expert will not recognize your find as a weapon.

In general, only God knows what may lie at the bottom of a reservoir! You can find completely unexpected, and sometimes very valuable things!

Where to look?

It doesn't matter what you're looking for, scrap metal or ancient artifacts, the fishiest place will be where there are more people. This is logical, because somehow this thing has to get to the bottom! So it turns out that the most interesting “fishing” will be close to the bridges. This is where passers-by and travelers lose or intentionally let various things go under water.When constructing bridges and structures, builders also dump unnecessary or inappropriate metal into the water. Therefore, bridges are also interesting in terms of finding scrap metal.

It is better to choose an ancient bridge rather than a modern one. After all, then you can find things of the corresponding era, and not just modern consumer goods.

Which magnet should you choose?

Domestic manufacturers of neodymium magnets have managed to gain a good reputation. At the same time, high quality magnets Produced in Germany and Poland. But one of the largest producers is China. It is in this country that the largest reserves of rare earth metals, which include neodymium, are concentrated. At the same time, the demand for the product is so high that China has introduced duties on the export of magnets to cover the needs of its own engineering industry. Despite this, you can purchase high-quality Chinese-made magnets on the Internet at an attractive price. There are disputes online regarding the power of magnets from different manufacturers. But the opinions expressed are mostly subjective, since all manufacturers monitor the quality of their products. Therefore, it is best to choose the manufacturer yourself.

Ultimately, no matter what magnet you have not chosen, it must fulfill its functions, namely: guarantee you exciting leisure time or even provide income.

We wish everyone a successful search!

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Comments (1)
  1. Tatiana Motley
    #1 Tatiana Motley Guests August 26, 2018 06:00
    Where can I buy it and at what price?