Useful and interesting. Page 11

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How to get rid of a hangover - advice from a narcologist

After a lot of fun and feasting, people often experience a hangover syndrome, which is accompanied by headaches, dizziness and nausea. The poison and breakdown products found in alcohol poison the body, organs and tissues. How to get rid

How to clean boneless herring fillets in just a couple of minutes

Many housewives use salted or fresh herring in their dishes. But not everyone knows how to properly and quickly clean fish so that not a single bone remains. On the eve of the holiday, we suggest you learn how to clean herring from bones and make

1 secret to safely bleaching tulle to pristine whiteness

White tulle turns gray over time and looks ugly. There are different ways to clean it, but not all are working or safe. Housewives, in search of returning tulle to its former whiteness, use powders, soaps, and pastes. So how to clean tulle from grayness?

“Tearing” method to quickly cut herring into boneless fillets

Herring is a fish that housewives use to prepare many dishes. To ensure a tasty salad or appetizer, it is important to remove all bones from the fish. How to clean a herring and remove all the bones? There is an amazing "breaking" way to do this.

How to clean a sink and bathtub drain without dismantling the siphon

The siphon design of a sink or bathtub is such that hair washed down the drain is retained in it. Over time, so many of them accumulate that they completely block the drain. Usually the problem is solved by dismantling and cleaning the siphon manually, but you can

How to significantly reduce ice freezing in the freezer. Lifehack for defrosting a refrigerator

Frost in the freezer reduces drawer capacity and uses more energy. In addition, frozen food in the freezer may change taste due to ice. There is a way to get rid of ice in freezer drawers and prevent it from continuing.

How to bend MDF or plywood to any angle

In some cases, there is a need to smoothly bend wood material (MDF, chipboard, multi-layer plywood, etc.) most often at an angle of 90 degrees for the manufacture of new or restoration of used furniture, as well as for other applications

How to make a lush flower from paper napkins in no time and transform your holiday table

A variety of techniques and materials can be used to serve the holiday table. But the simplest and most affordable way is paper napkins. It is from them that we propose to make a lush flower that can become decorative

Lifehacks for workshop and repair

Sometimes simple solutions can save a lot of time when doing routine work, or do it much better. There are many such life hacks. Let's look at a selection of some of them.

7 life hacks for home, renovation and workshop

Sometimes elementary ideas make it much easier to complete certain tasks. We offer a selection of 7 great ideas that will definitely come in handy. They are all just basic, but very useful.

DIY magnetic heater

Eddy currents generated in a conductor when exposed to a magnetic field can be used as a heat source. Proof of this is a simple heater. Such a device is easy to assemble at home; you just need to have neodymium

4 ways to whiten yellowed plastic at home. Which one is the best?

White plastic tends to turn yellow, so over the years it takes on a completely unsightly appearance. This happens due to the oxidation of its surface layer. This is not an irreversible process, so there are many ways available

How to make a simple device from scrap metal for quickly bending a pipe into a ring

Sometimes it is necessary to bend a profile pipe into a ring. Considering the rigidity of such rental, it is quite difficult to perform such an operation. But by making a simple device from leftover metal, you can turn a profile pipe into a ring

How to put wood in a stove to increase the burning time several times

The method of laying firewood for long-term burning, which will be discussed, is known to many. But for some reason, you rarely meet those who use it. But this method has a number of huge advantages: the burning time increases by 3-5 times, smoke

How to Easily Clean a Burnt Grill Grate

After the first use, the grill grate, even stainless steel, stops shining. It becomes covered with soot and soot. You can clean it to perfect condition quite quickly, you just need to know one secret.

How to make a tool for quickly removing snow from the roof, without climbing onto the roof

In winter, so much snow accumulates on the roof that the rafters literally crack under it. To prevent it from damaging the roof, it must be removed periodically. Climbing onto the roof is unsafe, so it’s better to make a simple tool with which you can

8 fresh life hacks for the workshop and garage

With a little thought, you can come up with completely unusual solutions to everyday and work problems. We offer a selection of 8 life hacks that really work. Many of them will surely prove to be very useful for you both in the workshop and in the garage.

How to prepare a product that can easily remove old grease deposits on kitchen surfaces

No matter how carefully you prepare food, over time, one way or another, a greasy coating appears on all surfaces of the kitchen.It is not so easy to wash it off, as it dries out and becomes covered with a water-resistant crust. Even household chemicals are difficult to deal with,

How to restore the operation of the remote control buttons without the “collective farm”

To restore a home control panel, say, for a TV, home craftsmen resort to non-standard and unprofessional solutions: they glue foil to the back of the buttons, as here. Or they are trying to restore it themselves in a different way

How to cut steel with a self-tapping screw

Cutting holes in metal is a simple matter, but there are times when the usual tool is not able to provide the desired result. Or, for example, when it is cutting in hard-to-reach or inconvenient places. Let's imagine what we need in

USB Wall Hook - 1 Incredible Find on Ali Express

What amazing and incredible finds can be found on Ali Express. In this article you will get acquainted with another know-how of the Chinese industry - a wall hook with a USB connector. If you see this thing for the first time, you can spend a long time

How to install a tap into any canister in a couple of minutes

An ordinary plastic canister of water in the trunk of a car is needed at least to wash your hands after minor repairs on the road or loading goods that dirty your hands. The inconveniences are obvious: the canister needs to be pulled out of the trunk and the lid unscrewed

7 amazingly useful ideas for your home and workshop

Sometimes everyday difficulties can be solved in a completely unusual way, using ingenuity. Let's look at 6 interesting ideas for the home craftsman.At least several of them will definitely come in handy in the near future.

How to return yellowed plastic to its original whiteness

In any home you can find many previously white plastic surfaces that have turned yellow over time. This could be a cover on the refrigerator, a window sill, a remote control, the housing of the indoor air conditioner unit, etc. Similar