Kite from a package

Kite from a package

The kite is the first flying machine invented by man. Its launch and flight can unite people of all ages and give a lot of impressions and joy. As children, most of us made a kite from improvised materials, and in this article we will show you how to make a simple kite with your own hands from a bag, sticks and thread. The process of creating this kite model will take about half an hour. As a result, we will get a very simple and lightweight kite design, which, even in light winds, quickly and confidently gains altitude.

Will need

We will need:
  • -Regular package;
  • -Two sticks (we used dry reed sticks);
  • -Thread with needles;
  • -Scissors.

Making a kite from a package

Kite from a package

You can find common reed or also called reed near almost every pond or lake. We take several even sticks of dry reeds. They are very light and quite strong, ideal for a kite.
We take a regular bag from the store, any bag will do. The size of the package will determine the size of the kite. You can also just use plastic film.
Kite from a package

And cut the bottom and one side of the bag.
Kite from a package

Then we bend the whole side by about 1/3 of the bag.
Kite from a package

After bending, we cut off the excess, from the top we begin to cut along a conventional line to the edge of the cut side of the bag, and then from the edge down to the tail of the kite.
Kite from a package

We apply a stick or ruler at an angle of 90 degrees from the tip of the wing to the base, and cut off the excess as in the picture.
Kite from a package

In the resulting form, carefully sew along the line with threads the pocket for the ridge of the snake, leaving space at the beginning so that you can install the stick.
Kite from a package

From the handle of the bag we make 3 rectangular segments, approximately 5-6 cm long, we need them to strengthen the kite in the right places.
Kite from a package

We sew the first rectangle at the bottom of the kite as in the picture. This is the place where the thread is attached to keep the kite in the air.
Kite from a package

We sew the other two segments on the edges of the wings “P” - in a figurative manner, a stick will be installed here to hold the wings in the open state.
Kite from a package

We select a stick of the required length and balance it and tie a small weight in the form of a stick on the thin side, hold the stick in the middle and move the weight so that the stick is held level without tilting to the sides.
Kite from a package

After balancing, we install the stick for the wings in its place.
Kite from a package

We also install the central stick in the sewn pocket.
Kite from a package

We sew the top part of the kite so that the stick does not fly out of its place.
Kite from a package

From the remainder of the bag, cut into strips, 1 cm thick to suit your taste. We’ll use them to make a snake’s tail; you can also make a tail from a ribbon as you wish.
Kite from a package

We sew the cut strips together with thread and sew them to the bottom of the kite. Use the length at your discretion, I attached the tail at a distance of about 10 cm.
Kite from a package

We tie the thread in its place, our kite is ready to fly.
Kite from a package

But you will have to wait for a little breeze, the kite is easy to assemble, it takes up little space and weighs only 24 grams. If desired, you can use a paper cylinder from kitchen foil or cling film as a box for the kite. It fits there perfectly.
Kite from a package

Kite from a package


The kite performed well during takeoff in light winds, gaining altitude well, turning into a small dot in the sky. This is an easy craft to make with your kids and fun to fly a kite into the sky. Remember that kite launching should be done in an open area away from trees and electrical wires. If you make a larger kite, you can fly a video camera into the sky and look at yourself, as well as the surrounding landscape, from a bird's eye view.


Watch a video with the process of making and testing a kite.
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