
Materials for production:

you will need it for the kite

slats made of bamboo, pine, linden or plastic ball sticks.
tape with a width of 2 cm;
string, fishing line from 0.5 cm, strong thread;
paper, fabric, dense polyethylene, oilcloth;
ruler, weight, stationery knife;
pencil or pen;
felt-tip pen;
moment glue or PVA.
Bridle and rail:
bobbin thread or silk thread;
rubber ring (optional).

thread with weight;
bows or paper tail.
Nowadays, many new and unique models have appeared in the kite market. Professional sports kites have reached unimaginable sizes that even in stormy winds, these units calmly soar in the sky. But the cost of such structures is very high, so why not make a simpler kite from available materials? Today we’ll look at how to make your own hexagon-shaped kite.
Manufacturing process
The entire structure is built from one main load-bearing beam and two additional ones attached perpendicularly. Because of this arrangement of sticks, the stretched canvas resembles a hexagon. All bases are tightened with strings or fishing line.
1. Take a stick (in our case, plastic).If the length of the base is less than 40–60 centimeters, then you can glue the two parts together. Cut the fishing line equal to 0.9 times the length of the stick. (We have a frame 60 centimeters long, cut off 54 centimeters of fishing line).

we measure

3. Thread the fishing line and secure it to the edge. We made a ball out of ordinary paper and glued it to the end of the fishing line, then put it in a tube and dropped it again instantly. When you connect the two ends of the fishing line with the ends of the tubes, you get something like a bow.


we pull

kite frame

4. We do the same with two small sticks. We took plastic sticks 30 centimeters long, the length of the fishing line turned out to be 27 centimeters.

we tie

5. We mark on the main rail the future places of attachment of our auxiliary elements. The distance is measured as 0.2 of the entire length of the stick. We got 12 centimeters from each end. (Points H and H1)
6. Attach additional parts to the base using thread and glue.
7. After the structure has dried, stretch the fishing line along the entire perimeter of the hexagon, capturing each vertex.
8. The result is a design that is curved on one side and an even hexagon on the other.
9. Unfold the oilcloth or paper on the table.
10. Place the flat side of the structure on paper and mark the vertices. Using the obtained points we draw a hexagon.
11. Make an allowance of 2–4 centimeters. Cut out the paper.
12. We attach the structure and carefully bend the sides and glue with tape.
13. Having pasted the entire perimeter, we proceed to making the bridle and handrail.
14. On the convex side, in the places where the beams are attached to each other, we tie a silk thread approximately 15 centimeters long. We do this on both sides.
15. We connect the threads together, insert a rubber ring (you can do without it).
16. We tie the main thread to the bridle.






17.If you wish, you can make a tail for our snake.
18. Cut paper circles and fold them like an accordion, divide them in half, and tie them. The bow is ready.
come back
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
4 minus one =
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