“Tearing” method to quickly cut herring into boneless fillets

Herring is a fish that housewives use to prepare many dishes. To ensure a tasty salad or appetizer, it is important to remove all bones from the fish. How to clean a herring and remove all the bones? There is an amazing "breaking" way to do this.


  • 1 herring;
  • Knife;
  • Cutting board;
  • Paper napkins;
  • Plate.

How to quickly clean filleted herring

Place the fish on the board and cut off the head.

Using a sharp knife, cut the belly, remove the caviar and milk, if any, and the entrails. Using a knife, scrape off the black film that causes bitterness in finished dishes.

Using paper napkins, remove any remaining entrails and membrane from the herring and cut off the lower part of the belly with the bones. Using a sharp knife, make a shallow cut along the back all the way to the tail and remove the top fin.

Use a knife to lift the skin and remove it from the fish.

Cut out the bottom fin.

Grasp the fish by the tail with both hands and twist the fish towards you once.

Then slowly tear the tail and pull in different directions, completely tearing the fish into two parts.

It turned out to be two parts of the fish: one on the ridge, the other on the rib. Using your fingers, separate the top of the back so that the bones remain on the spine.

If there are a small number of seeds left on the pulp, remove them by prying them off with a knife. Do the same action with the other half of the back. Remove the remaining bones from the rib with a knife.

The result is four clean pieces of herring fillet. They can be cut into pieces or used in salad preparation.

Watch a detailed video on peeling herring from seeds and backbone.

How to fillet a herring without bones in 1 minute. Everyone will succeed 100%! - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6684-kak-razdelat-seledku-na-file-bez-kostej-za-1-minutu-poluchitsja-u-kazhdogo-100.html
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Comments (1)
  1. Nastya Kovaleva
    #1 Nastya Kovaleva Guests 28 December 2021 15:06
    Very interesting. I saved it, tomorrow I’ll try to clean the herring this way. Thank you!