Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 96

Master classes:

I always fry fish only “Leningrad style”, an unforgettable taste of Soviet canteens

In the last century, many student and work canteens served a simple but very popular dish, Leningrad-style fish. People's love for fried fish, which was served with fried onions and boiled potatoes, was explained not only

How to simply sharpen a hacksaw and set the teeth correctly

If an old hacksaw has become dull, you need to update its tooth alignment and sharpening. After this it will cut like new. Sharpening a hacksaw is much more profitable than changing it, so this skill will definitely come in handy.

Hidden features of the indicator screwdriver that few people know about

An active indicator screwdriver (with a battery inside) is much more functional than a passive one, since in addition to searching for a phase, it can determine hidden wiring in the wall, the location of a wire break in the cable, and the integrity of incandescent light bulbs, fuses, and diodes.

We make a smokehouse from a barrel and cook fish like in USSR grocery stores

In ancient times, when the country was called the USSR, hot smoked fish was sold in grocery stores. These were mackerel, rockfish and pollock backs. Now this delicacy cannot be found in stores. Perhaps somewhere in the capitals it is sold at

You can make a useful thing for the workshop from the washer hatch

Sandblasting is the best way to remove rust and paint. The main drawback of most of these devices is flying sand. After using them, you need to clean up the scattered abrasive for a long time. In addition, the process is sawn and

How to make a device that will help you move heavy furniture or equipment with one finger

If you need to move a refrigerator, washing machine, chest of drawers, wardrobe or sofa, you can make a special air cushion. It will lift weights off the floor and glide across it quite easily, significantly reducing the effort required.

The doctor told how to improve lung function to prevent pneumonia

Every person's lungs are damaged to some extent by fibrosis, which is a consequence of suffering from colds, especially pneumonia. These formations can be developed and removed by applying daily exercises. The absence of fibrosis is the key to health

There will be no faster and simpler instructions on how to make a wing bolt.

Wing bolts are not available in every store, so they are often easier to make than to buy. If you have a heat gun, this will only take a couple of minutes.

How to diagnose a used car in 3 minutes when buying, so that later it won’t be excruciatingly painful

To avoid buying a used car with a damaged engine, you need to be able to check it. You can determine that the engine has exhausted its resource in several ways in literally 2-3 minutes.

How to deliciously salt herring at home

Most of the population of the northern hemisphere loves salted herring. This is due to the fact that this marine fish is one of the most numerous commercial species. In addition, herring meat is very good for health. It contains a lot of fatty acids,

100% way to unscrew a crane axle that is stuck tightly

When replacing the faucet axle in the mixer, it may be difficult to unscrew it. Sometimes it sticks so much that when you turn it with a key, the edges are torn off, so you can’t grab it. If such a problem occurs, unscrew it

How to make beef jerky at home

Now many people are trying to buy less meat products in the store, such as sausages, smoked meats, and frankfurters. After all, almost everything can be prepared at home, and you can be sure of its quality and naturalness. Today we'll make beef jerky. Meat

How to make a cheap electric heating boiler without welding

When assembling an electric heating system with a small volume of coolant, you can get by with a budget solution by replacing a purchased electric boiler with a homemade one. This will not affect the ease of use of the heating in any way, but will allow you to save a lot.

How to make your own thermal paste

Each of us has probably found ourselves in a situation where we don’t have the right item or material at hand at the right time.Moreover, he is not in the apartment at all. The store is closed, or the required product is not there... it doesn’t matter. But if

How to insulate a house with mineral wool

Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we’ll talk about insulating a house with mineral wool! In my case, this is a country house, which I insulate for winter living. Also, I will talk about external wall insulation, and later I will explain why.

Delicious immune booster: How to make ginger syrup at home

Ginger is known to many people as a spicy spice that is sold in stores either in powder form or in root form. And why not use it! Today we will prepare ginger root syrup. Many chefs and pastry chefs add it to

I'll show you how to make a side dish from real potatoes faster than making a "bpshka"

Let's present a classic situation for many: you need to eat quickly. Usually people buy instant potatoes (in common parlance “bpshka”), brew them with boiling water and eat them. There is not much to say about the usefulness of this product.

How to make a cheap carbon remover

A persistent deposit forms on the kettle or pan, which is almost impossible to wash off. By preparing this remedy, you can get rid of stubborn stains completely with almost no effort.

How to make a healing mat from river stones

Walking barefoot on rocks is a significant contribution to health. The need to walk on pebbles is especially felt in the morning: when your feet haven’t had time to rest properly, you don’t want to put on your shoes right away.Unfortunately, daily walks on rocky

How to make a real bow from old skis

Many boys dreamed of a real bow, just like the Indians. Today I will show you how to make this dream come true using affordable materials.

An ancient method of turning soft steel into hard steel.

Surface saturation of steel with carbon increases its hardness and wear resistance. This process is called cementation. With its help, at home, you can significantly improve any steel tool made from a low-quality alloy.

Soldering polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron

The lack of a soldering iron for soldering polypropylene pipes is not a problem, since a regular gas burner can be used instead. Of course, the reliability of such a connection will not be sufficient for a high-pressure water supply, but for assembly

If you stew chicken, then this is the only way. A recipe that is difficult to spoil “Kabardian Chicken”

If you need to cook chicken quickly, without first marinating for many hours, be sure to try this recipe. With it it will turn out juicy, soft and very tasty.

How to check your lungs in 10 seconds and suspect an asymptomatic disease in the first stages

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of lung damage from viral infections or the development of dangerous complications from the flu increases. This is accompanied by fibrosis, which at first has no symptoms. In this regard, it is recommended daily