How to make beef jerky at home

Now many people are trying to buy less meat products in the store, such as sausages, smoked meats, and frankfurters. After all, almost everything can be prepared at home, and you can be sure of its quality and naturalness. Today we'll make beef jerky. The meat is soft, with a fragrant crust of spices. Ideal for cutting meat.

How to make beef jerky at home


  • beef tenderloin 800 g.
  • nitrite salt 0.5 tsp.
  • rock salt 1.5 tbsp.
  • sugar 1.5 tsp
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.
  • seasoning for meat 1 tbsp.
How to make beef jerky at home

Cooking procedure

Prepare everything you need. If the tenderloin is very thick, then it is advisable to cut it lengthwise into two parts. This way the meat will dry out much faster.

Pour sugar, rock salt and nitrite salt into a bowl. The last ingredient is not strictly necessary, but it is thanks to it that the beef will have a beautiful color and a slightly different taste, more like store-bought.

How to make beef jerky at home

Stir, coat the meat on all sides, break the bay leaf with your hands. Cover with a lid or cling film and refrigerate for two days. Here the diameter of the pieces is about 5 centimeters, and this time was enough.Periodically, 4-5 times throughout, it is advisable to turn the meat so that salting occurs evenly.

How to make beef jerky at home

Within a couple of hours, a brine will form. It is better to choose a small container for salting so that the beef is completely immersed in the released liquid.

How to make beef jerky at home

The meat should become more dense. Take it out and rinse it under the tap. Dry with a paper towel; not a drop of liquid should remain on the surface.

How to make beef jerky at home

Pour meat seasoning into a plate. This ingredient is completely optional; it can be replaced with any other spices, or you can do without them altogether. Dredge the beef on all sides, pressing the seasoning well into the meat.

How to make beef jerky at home

Place the piece on a clean gauze cloth and place thin slices of garlic on top and bottom.

How to make beef jerky at home

Wrap the beef in cheesecloth and tie with string, giving the piece a round shape.

How to make beef jerky at home

Hang to dry in a room with a temperature of 22-24 degrees. The regime is as follows: dry in the kitchen during the day, put it in the refrigerator at night. Move the meat like this for 4 days.

How to make beef jerky at home

How to make beef jerky at home is ready. It is soft, but well salted. This meat can be stored for quite a long time, but over time it will become saltier and harder.

How to make beef jerky at home
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