How to deliciously salt herring at home

Most of the population of the northern hemisphere loves salted herring. This is due to the fact that this marine fish is one of the most numerous commercial species. In addition, herring meat is very good for health. It contains a lot of fatty acids that have antioxidant activity. Regular consumption of fatty herring is a good prevention of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
How to deliciously salt herring at home

How to salt herring deliciously

Home-salted herring does not contain harmful chemical compounds, does not undergo heat treatment and retains the maximum amount of nutrients. You will need to take:
  • herring, large 1.2 - 1.3 kg;
  • water 1.0 l;
  • salt 120 g;
  • sugar 20 g.

1. Defrost the herring. Remove the gills and the entrails that come with them from the head. Wash the fish.
How to deliciously salt herring at home

2. Heat a liter of water to a boil. Add salt, sugar and cool the brine to room temperature. Immerse the prepared herring in brine and refrigerate for 72 hours.
How to deliciously salt herring at home

3. Peel the finished fish, remove the backbone and rib bones, cut into pieces. Serve salted herring with onion.
How to deliciously salt herring at home

Homemade herring salted according to this recipe turns out to be of medium salinity.It can be used as a tasty addition to potato dishes. You can make sandwiches, snacks, and salads from home-salted herring. This herring is also suitable for the popular New Year's herring under a fur coat.
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