Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 353

Master classes:

Lamp made of PVA glue and threads

If your old lampshade from a night light has broken or you just want to give it a unique and inimitable look, then you can make a beautiful lampshade with your own hands. For this you will need: PVA glue, scissors, a balloon, a pen, a needle, thick threads,

Paintings made from straw

A natural material that has absorbed the energy of the sun and the power of the earth - ordinary straw - has a variety of golden tones and shades. Oat, barley, and wheat straw are suitable for making such products from straw. It's necessary for this

Photo frame decorated with cereals

A little imagination, glue, paint and... cereal and a standard, unattractive photo frame can turn into a real exclusive. Such a souvenir will cost pennies, but thanks to the embossed mother-of-pearl surface it will look unusual and

Child protection on hinged wardrobe

The “lock” actually has 2 main functions: to prevent the child from opening the cabinet and to distract his attention for a short time. Making the “child protection” will take no more than an hour.This “fixture” is, of course, not suitable for all hinged cabinets. Secure it on the round

Mushroom champignon soup

I suggest you prepare a delicious, satisfying dish from available ingredients! Ingredients: potatoes 14 pcs., champignons 24 pcs., onions 2 pcs., processed cheese 2 pcs., vegetable oil 6 tbsp., water 4.5 l., salt to taste, herbs for decoration.

Recycled lamp

I came across a rather interesting idea yesterday - this is a lamp made from an egg carton. Unfortunately, the author of this homemade product did not write anything about what and how it is made, but I think this is not so important. The main thing is thought and idea.

Oatmeal pancakes with apples

Do you like unusual and light dishes? Try making oatmeal pancakes with apple slices! This light dish is perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack, and its unusual appearance will add a pleasant variety to an ordinary meal!

Making homemade soap with anti-cellulite effect

Today soap making has become a very popular phenomenon. Making homemade soap has become extremely fashionable. In addition, it is the most natural and environmentally friendly product. I tried it too. Frankly, this process is amazing and very

Bottle with cereal

Such bottles are sold in specialized gift stores. But, excuse me, you can make them yourself! There is nothing complicated here. A little creative translation of the products available in the house, a minimum of effort and we will get a wonderful


Flannelograph is a convenient device for educational activities with children.This didactic device is quite simple both to use and to manufacture. Children really enjoy playing with it on their own, and adults are very comfortable with it.

Earrings made from plastic bottles

An interesting solution for partial recycling of plastic bottles is to make... earrings out of them. Such jewelry looks no worse than ordinary plastic jewelry, and if everything is done carefully, then perhaps even better.

Crispy sauerkraut

Cabbage is a valuable source of vitamins and microelements. It does not lose its usefulness even when fermented. The most delicious cabbage is obtained if you add carrots to it when fermenting.

Decorative and scented candles

Making candles with your own hands is fun and interesting. That's where there is room for imagination! The candle can be given not only an original shape, but also any scent and color. Shall we get started?

Cheerful octopus

Children are interested in creating with different materials. A separate direction in children's creativity is creativity from scrap items at hand. For example, to complete this craft you will need the following materials: a cardboard base roll from a toilet

Chicken chops recipe

I offer a fairly simple recipe for chicken chops that even novice housewives can do. The chops turn out juicy and very tasty!

Coffee candle

For work we will need: candles, coffee beans, ground cinnamon, sunflower oil, ice, an old ladle, a toothpick, supermoment gel glue, tape, a lid, a container for pouring and melting the candle.

Wedding champagne

For work you will need: a bottle of champagne, water-based paint, a sponge, various ribbons, beads, livestock or colored adhesive tape, scissors, super moment gel glue, threads, a needle.

Onions on greens in a city apartment

It’s so nice to always have fresh green onions on hand: if you wanted to chop the greens into a salad, please, if you wanted to add them to the soup, cut off the finished fronds. Tasty and healthy green onions can be grown on the windowsill of a city apartment.

Narrow bathroom cabinet

The cut chipboard is covered with a paper edge using an old iron. Having aligned one edge of the edge with the corner of the part, use a hot iron to smooth the edge along the entire end. When heated, the glue melts and sticks the edge. Extended edging edge

Cheese puffs made from ready-made puff pastry

If you want to bake delicious puff pastries with your own hands, but you don’t have enough time to prepare your own dough, then it’s convenient to use ready-made puff pastry. The recipe for cheese puffs will make it very easy to prepare aromatic,

Milkshake "Good morning"

Unfortunately, not all children love regular milk, even though it must be in their diet. I just make milkshakes for them as a breakfast addition. With one such recipe under the simple name “Good Morning” I

Papier-mâché Easter egg

In order to make our craft - a bright, unbreakable Easter egg made of papier-mâché, we will need PVA glue, newspapers, water, gouache paints and plasticine.

Decorating a jar for cereals

If you want to decorate jars for bulk products or cereals, it won’t take much time. You can use any containers: glass or metal, as long as they open easily. I have a huge amount of baby cans left.

Refinement of energy-saving LED lamp

We sell lamps with pins and with an E-27 base. The price with pins is 130 rubles and 195 rubles and with a base 250-300 rubles and 500-550 rubles. I decided why I should overpay for each light bulb from 120 to 350 rubles. If you can take free socles as many as you want from burnt ones