Efficient garden sprinkler made from PP pipes and PET bottles

There is nothing better for watering garden and vegetable plants than beneficial rain from the sky. It evenly washes the plants and saturates the earth, and therefore the roots of the plants, with life-giving moisture. Unfortunately, the rain does not come on schedule and its intensity is also beyond human control. But watering similar in quality to natural rain can be organized using garden sprinklers made of plastic pipes and fittings. Any adult can do them.

Will need


  • plastic pipes and fittings;
  • quick-release connectors for pipes and hoses;
  • plastic bottles with caps;
  • flexible hose;
  • small nails;
  • ball valve with quick-release connectors;
  • worm clamp, etc.

Tools: machine for welding polypropylene pipes, pipe cutting scissors, hacksaw, sandpaper, large needle, knife, hammer, etc.

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The process of making a garden sprinkler from plastic pipes and fittings

We cut the PP pipe of the required diameter into several equal sections.Using a machine for welding plastic products, we plug a short-length squeegee from one end with a plug.

We connect the free end of the drive to the tee. Next, we assemble a line of tees and previously cut pieces of plastic pipe. At the end of the last segment we attach a turn signal, to the output of which we also attach a piece of pipe. We also connect a turn signal to the other end of the pipe, into which we screw a threaded adapter with a rubber spigot and a quick-release connector.

We cut off the necks with caps from plastic bottles and sand the cut points. Using a large needle, we make a system of holes in the lids. We cut 4 identical 4 cm long strips from the rubber hose.

We insert the ends of the leads into the necks with the lids unscrewed to the top level and screw the lids back on. We insert the resulting nodes with the free ends of the bends into the branches of the tees. We secure the necks with caps to the tees using nails driven radially through the necks into the bodies of the tee outlets.

We tie the resulting structure to a wire or rope stretched tightly over the plants and turn on the water, which, escaping through the system of holes in the lids, irrigates the plants abundantly and evenly.

Having irrigated one area, we move the multipoint diffuser to another place and continue watering.

Sprinkler from a watering can

A good complement to a multi-point diffuser is a single-point portable diffuser, which performs the functions of a garden watering can, but is much better and more productive.

To do this, we fix the rubber squeegee in a quick-release connector, and put a sprinkler from a hand-held watering can on the free end of the squeegee. To prevent the sprinkler from flying off the squeegee under the pressure of water, we fasten them tangentially with a nail.

We insert the free end of the drive into the connector on the ball valve.We put the end of the water supply hose on the inlet fitting of the faucet and tighten the worm clamp. We supply water and open the ball valve, and the single-point portable sprinkler regularly performs its purpose.

Watch the video

How gardeners in the 21st century make connection points for a watering hose to a water supply - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/7503-kak-sadovody-v-21-veke-delajut-tochki-podkljuchenija-polivochnogo-shlanga-k-vodoprovodu.html
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Comments (1)
  1. Alex
    #1 Alex Guests 27 May 2022 22:30
    PPR is not suitable, it does not like sunlight, it is better to assemble the installation from HDPE pipes, f25 at 10 bar, the wall is thicker and does not bend as much due to temperature, tees 25 - thread 1\2-25, the advantage of this method is that there is no need to solder and it is easy disassemble and read then redo