Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Hi all! In this master class I will show you how to make a simple and lightweight canopy-type canopy over the entrance to your home. Everyone knows the problem when, during rain, water flows from the roof in a large stream, in addition to the fact that it is raining. Just to avoid this, to constantly have a dry threshold in front of the entrance, I propose to build this simple canopy over the door from plastic pipes.

Needed for production

  • PVC pipes. But no one is stopping you from making something similar from polypropylene pipes.
  • Glue for PVC pipes, if you use polypropylene - soldering iron for polypropylene.
  • Rectangle made of plexiglass, acrylic, plexiglass or polycarbonate. Any of the above will do.

You will also need another common tool that can be found in any workshop, even the most seedy craftsman.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Making a canopy for your home

Decide on the size of the desired visor, estimate the angle of inclination by eye. Ideally, draw a sketch on a piece of paper.
Then choose the diameter of the pipes that will be used.
Let's start assembly. We cut pipes and prepare fittings.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

First we assemble two corners:
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Then the third side for these quiet triangles.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

We connect the third sides of the triangles with each other using longitudinal guides. This will be the roof to which the transparent acrylic sheet will be attached.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

We connect, we get triangles. A longitudinal guide has also been added to the bottom of the visor.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

In general, the more guides, the better.
We take acrylic glass.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

We screw it to the frame through rubber-like pads. They are, of course, not necessary, but thanks to them, excess vibration is dampened, the glass does not resonate, and dripping drops on the glass are not audible at all.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes


We attach the finished canopy above the entrance, above the door.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

It looks quite aesthetically pleasing. The construction is quite strong and will withstand anything you need.
Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Canopy for home made of plastic pipes

Such a canopy can be made not only over the door, but also over the window.
Thank you for your attention!
Original article in English
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