Plastic pipe drilling machine

This machine design is for those who want to quickly make a small drilling machine, but do not have the desire or ability to work with iron.
Plastic pipe drilling machine

A drilling machine made of plastic pipes has a number of advantages compared to a machine made of iron:
  • Easy to make.
  • Easy.
  • Easily repeatable without any drawings.

It is inferior to iron only in load capacity, although it is strong enough for drilling small parts.
Pictured are the parts you will need. Almost all of them can be purchased at plumbing and hardware stores.
Please note that in addition to the plastic parts, the design also contains two wooden ones. This is the base of the frame and the mounting base for the drill itself.
The parts are as they will be soldered.
Plastic pipe drilling machine

What pipe diameter should I use? - You decide. It all depends on the size of your drill. I took the diameter 25 mm.
Let's start assembling the drilling machine.

Plastic pipe drilling machine

A movable unit that is attached to the lowering and raising handles. The middle crosspiece is larger in diameter so that it moves smoothly along the pipe. She doesn't get drunk, she just gets ready. Next, we solder the central unit on which the drill will be attached.The crosspieces are taken of the same diameter as the tubes on which it will ride. You cannot take it with a larger diameter - there will be too much play, and in order for it to move along the pipe without problems, the pipe must be ground down with sandpaper.
Plastic pipe drilling machine

We assemble the entire structure with the base of the machine.

Plastic pipe drilling machine

Plastic pipe drilling machine

Plastic pipe drilling machine

Springs have been purchased. You can try to find similar springs in an old mattress.
Plastic pipe drilling machine

Drill assembly.

Plastic pipe drilling machine

The machine is ready. The base is wooden, pre-cut and painted. In the center there is a hole for the free movement of the drill.
The drill is secured with plastic clamps. You can also use a drill with a pistol grip, after holding the trigger.
When soldering the machine, be especially careful: use gloves to avoid getting burned.
This is the small machine I came up with, which is well suited for drilling electronic circuit boards and small metal or plastic products.
Plastic pipe drilling machine

In general, it will definitely be used in everyday life.
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Comments (8)
  1. Sasha
    #1 Sasha Guests 14 December 2017 15:55
    give me the dimensions
    1. Guest Oleg
      #2 Guest Oleg Guests September 3, 2019 09:35
      The design is simple...take the dimensions as needed, commensurate with the size of the existing drill.
      1. Ruslan
        #3 Ruslan Guests 20 September 2019 11:46
        For pensioners, the unemployed. This bunch of connectors..., time? More profitable on Aliexpress.
  2. Guest Alexander
    #4 Guest Alexander Guests June 5, 2018 00:27
    It seems to me that the author is “whistling”, what does soldering have to do with it? In the photo, the parts are clearly not made of polypropylene but made of PVC for an adhesive connection, otherwise why would the author drive screws into the joints? You won’t find such PVC parts on construction markets.
    1. Guest Oleg
      #5 Guest Oleg Guests September 3, 2019 09:38
      I wonder where you live? All these parts are sold in all markets. And in order not to worry at all, you can buy a ready-made bed on the alley. and don't waste your brains.
  3. Guest Igor
    #6 Guest Igor Guests 21 June 2018 15:56
    The same nonsense as in another description of a homemade drilling machine. Your drill will not enter the material at a 90 degree angle. To do this, you need to calculate the tilt of the drill in advance. I didn't see this in your calculations. Ordinary amateurism.
  4. alexbunker
    #7 alexbunker Guests 27 December 2018 17:16
    The idea is good, but for a LEGO constructor. try making it out of metal and compare the difference, I'm sure you'll like it.
  5. Guest DMITRY
    #8 Guest DMITRY Guests 21 January 2019 17:29