Hairband “Venus”

No matter how many things a girl has, she is always missing something, because everything is not enough. And this has both its pros and cons, in principle, like coins - there are two sides. Any accessory or detail of a woman’s toilet should not only be “in the theme”, but also make the girl more mysterious and enigmatic, so that the girl is not simple, but with a twist. This is the kind of mystery that any exclusive hair detail, for example, a hoop or headband, can add.
You can make a wonderful summer hairband yourself. For it we will need the following materials: two thin ribbons of different colors with a width of half a centimeter and a meter long, a meter-long ribbon with a width of 4 cm, an elastic band to match the hair color, a 0.5 m ribbon, thread with a needle and scissors.

Hairband “Venus”

And so, first we take two thin ribbons and tie a knot at their ends.

Next, we make one loop at a time with ribbons (to make it clearer, see the photo below).

We pull one of the ribbons, in our case yellow, into the second, and in order to secure this loop, we tighten it with blue.

Take the blue ribbon, make a loop and pass it through the yellow one.

Take the yellow loop again and pass it through the blue one. Until the end we alternate loops of ribbons by color. When the ribbons run out, you need to stretch one of them and pull it through the loop, in such a way that you can secure this little thing, and therefore tie it into several knots.

Now it’s the turn of the elastic band. We need it so that the headband does not fall off when walking, and we can wear it without problems or pain. We sew the ends of the elastic and our ribbon weave together.

You can leave the headband as is, but you can diversify it with the help of a beautiful and neat flower.
We will need our meter tape. Cut it in half.

We cut the upper part of the ribbon into waves.

When we have completed this task, we proceed to the next one and assemble it from the bottom of the tape. The assembly is done in the form of an accordion.

Turn the ribbon right side out, carefully sew it together and make a flower shape.

To prevent the flower from falling apart into strings, set them on fire using matches or a lighter. Just be careful not to burn the flower completely, otherwise all your work will go down the drain.
The last stage of our creation will be sewing the flower to the headband.
You can make such a headband not only for yourself, but also for your friends and their children. present. Believe me, your gift will not go without worthy attention, and it will bring happiness, good luck and good mood to those who wear it. Moreover, a flower on the headband will emphasize your femininity, which is important.
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