Beautiful pouch - wallet

Sometimes we are faced with the question - what to give to friends and family? You always want something original, from the heart, so that your loved one remembers you. Therefore, we offer you a master class on making a handbag-wallet. You can store both small items and jewelry in it, you can use it to store spices in the kitchen or decorate the interior. You can decorate it to your taste and use your imagination. If you sew on lace or rhinestones using beautiful fabric, silk or velvet, you will get a beautiful exclusive handbag for your evening dress. For the New Year, you can use felt and festive decoration with snowflakes and other New Year's symbols and accessories - for example, in such decorated bright bags you can give to children present and sweets.
Sewing such a handbag will not take you much time - only about half an hour, and it is so simple that parents can also involve their children in the needlework process.
To prepare the wallet, you will need a small piece of leather for the bottom of the product, a small rectangle of the main fabric (about 16 by 30 cm, depending on what size you want the finished product), bias tape, gold soutache, beautiful beads, and a cord for tying.
First, we cut out two circles of the same size from the leather and the main fabric - to make it even, you can, for example, circle a cup or jar.

beautiful pouch wallet

We sew them together along the edge - the bottom of the bag is ready. Instead of leather, you can use any dense material - this is done so that the bottom is dense, and our wallet has a shape and is stable.

beautiful pouch wallet

After this, we cut out a rectangle, the long side of which would be equal to the circumference plus a centimeter on each side for the seam allowance. We determine the height based on what size we want the finished wallet. For this product we used a rectangle of green linen measuring 18x28 cm.

beautiful pouch wallet

We bend the top edge twice and process it. Closer to it, mark a line and attach bias tape or ribbon along the top and bottom edges - we will insert a cord there so that the wallet can be tightened.

beautiful pouch wallet

If you are planning a complex design, it is better to complete it while the product is not yet sewn, otherwise it may be inconvenient. For this product we took a beautiful gold soutache.

beautiful pouch wallet

The cord is carefully adjusted to the product in the form of a random pattern. If you are sewing a wallet as a gift, you can fold the soutache in the form of a name or congratulations. Matching gold beads are sewn into the loops of the pattern for beauty.
Next, we sew the decorated rectangle to the circle, folding it with the right sides inward, then we sew a side seam. Don't forget to process it so that the fabric doesn't fray. Be careful and leave a piece in the middle unstitched - after all, we will pull the laces through the bias tape.

beautiful pouch wallet

You can do another option and place the lace not in the middle, but along the top of the product, then the wallet will have a different silhouette.We turn the product inside out, and now our miracle wallet is ready!

beautiful pouch wallet
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